Modeling 101: Can I Still Be a Successful Model Without Being Signed to an Agency?

Modeling 101
Photography: Luke Jones for the Feb 2014 issue of PMM // Models from left to right: Ariel Brownridge (Dorothy Combs Models), Chearice Vaughn (MSA Models), Wyinnetka Aaron (Dorothy Combs Models), and Monique Robinson (IPM Models)

Are you an aspiring plus size model? Would you like to know more about how to break into the plus modeling world? Then this Modeling 101 feature is for you!

Every week, I will be answering a modeling question on the blog that are asked often by readers and aspiring models. This is a great opportunity to learn more about breaking into the business and gaining tips and honest input on how to proceed in deciding if plus modeling is the career for you.

This week’s question is…

Q: Can I Still Be a Successful Model Without Being Signed to an Agency?

A: There are very few models that have been able to make a lucrative career without an agency. The purpose of an agency is to have people that are “in the know” to groom you and teach you the do’s and don’t’s of the industry. They will also offer you more opportunities because clients are looking for models through contacting agencies. Those models that have been able to make it without an agency for any amount of time, do work very hard at branding and marketing themselves.

Tune into the blog next week to see what question I will answer next!

For more plus modeling advice and tips, please visit the following links on the blog in our Modeling section:

How to Be a Plus Size Model

How To Get Started In Plus Size Modeling

To learn more about Madeline Jones, click here to read her official bio.