What Types of Pictures Should I be Using to Present Myself to Agencies or Prospective Clients?

What Types of Pictures Do Plus Models Need to Present to Agencies or Prospective Clients?

#1 on my list… take EVERY half-naked photo of you OUT of your portfolio and social media albums! This does not impress anyone and it will make many plus modeling agencies and prospective clients turn away.

Now onto the types of plus modeling photos you SHOULD have…


To start, you should have a great head shot; you can have a bare-shoulders shot or wear a tank, button down shirt or lightweight cardigan. You want to choose a color that transcends the seasons (no neon, patterns or anything that will date the photo). And ABSOLUTELY NO LOGOS…  You do not want to insult a potential client by wearing the competition!

Full Body Shot

You will want a full body shot; you should wear a great fitting dress, which is not too loose, one that shows your figure. Or maybe you want to go with a pair of denim jeans and a cute top or basic tank top. Wear heels in your pictures.


Natural makeup only, and your hair should be down so we can see what it looks like. Simple is always best.