PMM Sound Off: Can Body Acceptance Become More Popular With Marketing Gimmicks?

PMM Sound Off: Can Body Acceptance Become More Popular With Marketing Gimmicks?

Photo: Chubbiness

A new Japanese all-girl band has many people very confused. The confusion stems from the band’s name… Chubbiness.

Why is it confusing? Because none of the band members are actually “plus size” or “chubby”.

According to various reports, the creation of this band was the result of marketing executives looking to capitalize off the popularity of “marshmallow girls’, a term used for Japanese women who are not small and thin. Marshmallow girls have become a popular body acceptance movement in Japan.

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Photo: Twitter

The band won’t be releasing any music until March 2014 but in the interim, their Twitter feed is full of images of the girls posing with food and food-themed posts. In interviews, the girls make it a point to discuss their love for eating as well as stating in their bios, what their favorite “chubby” body part is.

We would like to know what you think:

  • Is this band setting a positive example for young girls?
  • Is the marketing gimmick working? Is the message supporting body positivity?
  • Or is Chubbiness perpetuating stereotypes of plus size girls and women in terms of eating and etc?

Please leave us a comment below and let us know.

To visit Chubbiness on Twitter, click here.  To visit their official website, click here.