Lane Bryant Unveils Their 2016 Swim Collection in An Amazing Way

2016 swim

Plus size fashion retailer Lane Bryant has had quite a year with launching two major hashtag campaigns in an effort to reach more of their customers in a personal way and make them feel empowered.

The #ImNoAngel and #PlusisEqual campaigns were successful but were also criticized for the models used in those campaigns. Critics pointed out that the models were not visibly plus or not showing enough size diversity.

Read moreDid You Miss Lane Bryant’s Times Square #PlusIsEqual Rally & Celebration? Click here…

However, despite the criticism, Lane Bryant continues to make moves to continue to empower their customers and send out the message that plus size women can be fashionable too. One of those moves was quietly done recently with the launch of their Swim 2016 collection.

They are using a new model and at the first glance, you might think your eyes are playing tricks on you. No, they are not. Plus size model Andrea Spencer (signed to Dorothy Combs Models) is seen wearing quite a few pieces of the new collection from two piece suits to cover ups. And Spencer is visibly plus, a size 16/18.


What we love about Lane Bryant using Spencer is that she doesn’t have the typical hourglass shape. Many women can identify with Spencer’s body and we’re hoping they will feel inspired as Spencer just oozes confidence with her beautiful smile.

Visibly plusLB1

Visibly plusLB2

Now we are sure the critics will say Spencer is not large enough or cite photoshopping, etc. However, let’s celebrate the steps. Lane Bryant is trying and that’s what counts. Rome wasn’t build in a day. Change is definitely happening in the fashion/modeling industries and while it may feel like it’s slow, it’s happening.

Maybe we’ll see Lane Bryant using models such as Olivia Campbell, Fluvia Lacerda, Kris Yeo, Michelle Punzone and others, who are larger than the usual 12/14 plus model. We certainly have our fingers crossed.

Let’s also show our support to those retailers who do use visibly plus models and models of different sizes:

Ashley Stewart


Monif C.



What do you think of the new model Lane Bryant has added to their roster? Please leave us a comment below and let us know.