Star Quality: Meet Plus Model Mica

Plus Model Mica speaks frankly about life, modeling and her future. 

As young Mica flipped through the pages of Magazines like Cosmo she did not see fuller womanly figures being represented. Her dreams of modeling seemed unattainable until she discovered Plus size modeling when she came across an issue of Grace Magazine. Read on to see how this 5’10 Midwestern beauty is making her modeling dreams come true….

[Maddy] Tell me how you became interested in Modeling? [Mica] Ever since I was a little girl I liked performing, and so modeling seemed like a natural out branch from that. After high school I decided that acting wasn’t really my thing, but my interest in modeling was still there. As I researched the industry I felt that plus models did not make me or other women feel inadequate about their size. This was something that I felt I wanted to be a part of. [Maddy] What steps have you taken to prepare for a modeling career? [Mica] To be competitive in the industry, I have removed all my “edgier” piercing (at last!) and I won’t be getting any tattoos. I have to make sure that I don’t lose too much weight (ha ha, like that’s ever really a problem!) and also that I don’t GAIN too much weight. I have to stay toned and firm, which means working out. I have acne-prone skin, so to keep that in check I need to pay a lot of attention to my daily regimen. I floss almost every night to keep my gums healthy, and I whiten my teeth. I use self-tanner. I make sure to drink a LOT of water to cleanse my system, and I avoid processed foods like chips and store-bought desserts. This should by no means suggest I avoid dessert–I don’t think I could do that! But foods that are high in fat, I tend to make at home so I am more conscious of what I am putting in my body. (as a side note, I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.) [Maddy] Where has your modeling career taken you so far… [Mica] Being in the Midwest puts me at a disadvantage but so far, modeling has brought me to both coasts and frequent trips to Chicago (sometimes travel is paid, sometimes not). So far, I have had incredibly positive experiences with photographers and clients; there’s something about the plus-size industry that’s incredibly NICE. [Maddy] What advice can you offer to aspiring models? [Mica] You know all those years in high school and middle school where you put on makeup and posed in the mirror?–that really works! The best thing you can do (besides fitting the industry standards in terms of height, proportion, etc.) is getting to know your body and face so that if a client throws a swimsuit or a winter coat on you, you know how to make that clothing look its best. The most helpful thing is to get camera time (even if it’s your own camera!) so you get familiarized with how your face and body photograph. Another thing important to a modeling career is to live in–or at least have easy access to–a major metropolis like L.A., NYC or perhaps Chicago.

We wish Mica much success as she recently signed with the Dorothy Combs Agency in Miami, FL.

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