Hand Model Reveals Tips for Strong, Beautiful Nails

It’s not often that a manicure leads to a modeling career, but that’s exactly what happened to hand model, Ashly Covington, whose hands regularly appear in popular print ads and on television commercials.q

When asked how she maintains picture-perfect nails all year round, she shared her dos and don’ts:

Do have a manicure at least every two weeks to maintain healthy-looking nails.

Ashly keeps her cuticles smooth between appointments by applying cuticle cream daily.

Don’t cut your nails – just file them.

Cutting your nails can crack or cause a split in the nail. If Ashly suffers a break in her nail she files it as far back as to not see the break. If the break is too deep she has a silk wrap applied to the broken nail.

Do use biotin supplements to encourage healthy nail growth from inside out.

Ashly takes Appearex® daily – the #1 dermatologist recommended product for strengthening nails. Ashly noticed a huge improvement in her nail growth within the first month of taking Appearex® and rarely experiences nail breakage. (Appearex® can be found in the nail care section of CVS, Walgreens, and Eckerd Stores nationwide.)

Do stick to lighter or nude-colored polish, as darker colors can cause stains to be left on the nail when polish is removed.

Do apply hand cream consistently throughout the day.

Before bed, Ashly applies cocoa butter to her hands followed by a thick layer of Vaseline which acts as a sealant. She then covers her hands in cotton gloves or thick socks – by morning her skin is extra soft and supple!

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