Editor’s Letter From Editor Madeline Jones

I’m just not one of those plus size women who have ever been defined by their weight. I have climbed the water falls in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, gone roller blading in Central Park, and I currently maneuver my life around the fashion/modeling industry alongside some of the most beautiful models; but my confidence comes from within and I love my body 100%.
I admire the woman I have become because I appreciate my body so much more now than when I was younger. Every bit of my curves can tell a story of challenges, accomplishments, fears, hopes, happiness and joy. While people have come and gone in my life, my body has been here through it all; so why not take care of it and be as loyal as it’s been to me?

Our Love Your Body Issue is about celebrating our bodies. When you wake up in the morning, are you grateful for your body? Do you define your self-worth by the number on the scale or the tag on your clothing? Do you feel sexy, worthy, intelligent, accomplished? It’s very easy to judge ourselves when we look at models’ bodies, whether they are straight or plus-size. The reality is that not all of us will look like them, and that is ok. It does not make their bodies any better than ours; modeling is a business so don’t define your appreciation for your body by an industry standard, man, woman or even your family.We are real women!

In this issue, our cover model, Toccara Jones, is full of confidence and has made a long lasting career based on NOT conforming to others standards. While she is on the smaller end of the plus size modeling spectrum, her pride in the women she represents is undeniable. Her video interview is amazing!  Her “big brother” Harvey Walden explains to us the importance of good nutrition for our bodies – this is not about weight loss but about loving our bodies.

We also have an amazing editorial from Just As You Are, the newest kid on the block in the plus size fashion industry. Just As You Are and PLUS Model Magazine teamed up during fashion week for a blogger conference at the Hudson Terrace. It was pure enjoyment spending time with some of the most innovative, stylish and fun bloggers in our industry. As a customer I have been waiting for a brand that has the courage to listen to the customer whole-heartedly, and guess what? Here they are, Just As You Are!
We have an amazing issue for you. Don’t forget to click on those ads for special savings and most importantly, be good to your body; we are more than just a pretty face.

I hope you enjoy our Love Your Body Issue as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

Sending you curvy hugs,
Madeline Jones

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