PMM Archives: Plus Size Model Behavior With Sharon Quinn: Part 3 – What YOUR Agent Expects from YOU

Originally published PLUS Model Magazine 4/01/2008

Part 3: What YOUR Agent Expects from YOUOne of the biggest misconceptions in the plus size modeling industry today is the belief that once you secure an agent – it’s all “gravy” from there, you don’t have to do anything but sit back and the work will just begin to pour in.  Well anyone who has been in this situation learns quickly that this is most certainly NOT what happens, if anything you will have to work even harder once you sign on the dotted line.

Many models come to me with preconceived notions of what we are supposed to do for you as “Your Agent” but what you really need to understand is this:  There are certain things that are expected from YOU “The Model” when you sign on the dotted line with an agent or agency.  And unless you have a clear cut understanding of what those expectations are…your career will quickly begin to feel like you are on a treadmill….Working hard but getting no where.  So in an effort to prevent you from being on that treadmill; I put together a list of some of the things that your agent/booker will expect of you as an aspiring model if they decide to bring you on as a client.

Your Agent/Booker Expects:

For YOU to be groomed – At all times! – I have held and participated in enough model castings to be absolutely horrified at the way some aspiring models choose to show up at castings and open calls.  I have watched more women come through my office in ill fitting clothing, hair a mess, with no makeup on and/or dressed more provocatively then you can imagine.

Aspiring models, I have a question for you: Why on earth would you come to a MODELING agency NOT looking your ABSOLUTE BEST??  

And then expect me to cut you a break and sign you anyway??? Agents perk up when they get a chick that comes through their doors well groomed, well spoken and fashion forward (Note:  I said fashion forward – NOT trendy).  That means that’s less work that THEY have to do and MORE clients they can send you to see.  Clients love to see beautiful women walk through their doors, they don’t want to see women whose hard lives show on their faces.  It is imperative that you look your absolute best when you go on an audition or a casting.  If you don’t wear make up everyday, at the very least keep your “face” (powder, mascara & lip gloss) in your bag at all times, so that when that last minute call for an audition comes, becoming “camera ready” is only a bathroom away.

For YOU to be proactive & enthusiastic about YOUR career – Agents/Bookers LOVE models who are “hungry” and focused about their careers.  If you don’t want to fall through the cracks and be forgotten by your agent/booker (and yes, this DOES happen), then you need call or send an email and check in with your agent at MINIMUM once a week, to “see if anything’s happening”.  And know that a lot of those times, there won’t be anything happening at the moment but this simple action keeps you fresh in your booker’s mind and it shows that you are taking an interest in your career rather than sitting home waiting for the phone to ring.

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