Interview with Kelland Morrow for PLUS Model Magazine

Kelland Morrow, a professional fit model with more than eight years of experience has brought designs and conceptual ideas in fashion to life with her frame.  Maintaining her size; she has become a highly sought after fit model in the United States and even has forms/mannequins of her exact body utilized worldwide.

Providing expert instruction to obtain ideal fit for brands such as Forever 21, Gap, Robert Rodriguez Collection, and Bebe; Kelland has gained entry into “the belly of the beast” of the fashion industry; but at what cost?  In the January 2012 issue of PLUS Model Magazine, we asked “Plus Bodies, What’s wrong with them anyway?” The article directly confronted and questioned negative responses women of size were receiving about larger frames.  While bringing a positive light to the plight of fuller figured women, we endeavor to “push the envelope” of beauty, self-love, style, and resiliency for all.

In our interview with Kelland, we will touch on a sensitive topic inspiring you to ask, when is enough, ENOUGH?!  At a recent fitting, SIZE SIX FIT MODEL Kelland Morrow was told she was “FAT” as a disgusted face looked at her body.  Although it shook her to the core; it did not break her.  Inadvertedly, it would inspire her to assist in changing the image of what beautiful is.

Yve:                Kelland, will you share your definition of beauty with us?  Does your definition have limitations?

Kelland:         I believe beauty comes from one’s inner self, when someone fully accepts who they are, is comfortable in their own skin, is a source of unconditional love (to them self)  and doesn’t allow themselves to be affected by others’ comments. Our society is structured to focus on the external, it causes us to dissect ourselves and be our own worst critic. Once a woman can master her internal beauty, strength and confidence radiates from the inside to the outside, and, oh my goodness, what a beautiful sight.

There is no limit with this mindset.

Yve:                Kelland, please tell us a little bit about yourself.  Where you are from/raised? Education, hobbies, and career outside of modeling (if you could be anything).

Kelland:         I am a “valley girl”, born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. I grew up a tomboy and was even mistaken for a little boy when I was nine. Girls’ screaming at me in the bathroom was a little horrifying at that age (laughs). I went to a small prep school with 73 students in my graduating senior class. I went to Montclair on full financial aid and I am very good at sports. I also received a full scholarship to play softball at NYIT. The weather in NY is too cold for me, I lasted one winter.

I finished up my AA degree at College of the Canyons and transferred to Cal State University Northridge. I received my BA degree in Sociology with emphasis in Criminology. When I was going to CSUN I stumbled across fit modeling, so during the day I would work and take evening courses to complete my degree. I know I don’t want to remain a fit model forever, so two years ago, I returned to school.  I just graduated from FIDM with a professional designation fashion design degree; I believe that is a good start into my future, in the industry, other than modeling.

Yve:                How did you get into fit modeling?

Kelland:         I was working as a receptionist at the time; I had no idea what a fit model was. I, like most people, thought that clothes just appeared and fit well like magic. A friend of mine was a receptionist at a clothing company. When I confided in her I wasn’t happy at my job she told me I should come in and try out as a fit model. Low and behold my body has the perfect proportions and measurements for a size six / size 28 denim fit.

 Yve:                What has been one of your most joyous experiences as a fit model?  What has been your most challenging moment as a fit model?  How do you remain professional in such cases?

Kelland:         Recently I just had the pleasure of developing a wedding gown line. I had the privilege of working with Rami Kashou from Project Runway and Project Runway All Stars. He is one of the sweetest human beings I’ve met thus far in the industry.

At one client I am the “fat” model. People say rude comments about my arms and stomach all the time and then turn around and are nice and sweet to my face. Luckily, there is a fit expert who has over 20 years of experience constructing dresses and insisted I be the fit model for the wedding gowns. The categories that are fit on me are the best sellers for the company.

Read the rest of Kelland’s interview in this month’s issue of PLUS Mode Magazine.


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