How do I Approach a Plus Modeling Agency?

How do I Approach a Plus Modeling Agency?

Once you determine what type of modeling you are best suited for, check out our listing of plus modeling agencies in the USA and around the world.

Plus Agency Open Call

If they do an open call (A specified time when they will see models) once a month, attend the open call. When you go there bring two photos with you. A headshot AND a full body shot. Your name and stats should be on the back as well as contact information. If you have a portfolio, bring that as well or a comp card.

Mailing Your Photos to a Plus Modeling Agency

If they ask for you to mail in your information, include a short letter to send with your images. Your images should be at least 600 X 900. Not too big and not too small. Please do not send cell phone pictures, pictures at your prom, wedding or birthday or photos with anyone else in them! You should not be doing any ‘peace’ or ‘gang signs’; they should be simple photos that show your face, skin and figure.

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