PLUS Modeling 101: Should Aspiring Models Take Professional Photos Before Visiting an Agency?

(continued from the November 2013 issue of PLUS Model Magazine, pgs 177-178)

Now, if you are making the rounds and still not getting agents to freelance or sign with you, it doesn’t mean you won’t work.

Ask questions, make friends with fellow models and see if they can suggest stylists, makeup artists, and photographers that work with agencies you respect. Then you can put together a shoot and showcase your shots on your modeling website or casting website. That way those who are casting models who do not want to go through an agency can see how you photograph.

Be sure to send a “thank you” note to the agents out there who met with you, but aren’t representing you. It is a sign of professionalism and leaves a window of opportunity open. Yes, they may never sign you, but it doesn’t hurt to ask their professional opinion of a certain photographer you may want to work with or to take a look at your new pictures. Some agents are too busy to do this, but you may actually get one from a smaller agency, or their assistant, who may give you a little bit of their time to help you out.

As always, I encourage you and want you to follow your dreams! I hope this advice helps to guide you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at


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