Japanese Brand Sells Clothing That Comes in Size FAT

Plus Size International Fashion News: Japanese Brand Sells Clothing That Comes in Size FAT

Imagine shopping in a store one day and you see a blouse you love. You check the size tag to see what size it is and see that the size on the tag reads FAT. How would you feel about that?

Japan size fat tagApparently, this size FAT tag exists in Japan. A photo of a receipt showing an actual FAT size tag has been circulating on the internet via Tumblr. And it is causing quite an uproar.

Japan is known for their unique way of describing sizing but this? Is this taking it too far?

The item is from a clothing line called Fatyo. Their sizing is named as follows: Pino, Titch, Skinny, Fat and Jumbo. Yes, you read right. JUMBO. And size Jumbo is considered a 2X according to Fatyo’s size chart shown below.

This choice of sizing makes one think about sizing in general. There is already controversy surrounding the term “plus size” and what is actually plus size. In Japan, descriptors such as LA for Large Athletic, SS for extra small and LL for extra large are the norm. We’re guessing those in Japan are not surprised at the size names used by Fatyo. But it does beg the question… is someone a size 2X really Jumbo? What ramifications would this have on someone’s self-esteem or self body acceptance?

From the uproar it has caused thus far, we’re sure we are not the only ones asking these questions.

What do you think of this way of sizing? Do you think it’s another type of body shaming? Or is it another way of showing body acceptance? Please leave us a comment below and let us know what you think about this way of sizing.

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