Egypt’s first Ever Marathon For Plus Women Proves That Athletes Come In All Sizes

marathon for plus women

When the media speaks about plus size women, they usually focus on the more popular areas such as the US, Canada and Europe. However, in other countries, women who are considered plus size also experience discrimination, body shame and other challenges with being accepted within society.

Some don’t have accessible fashion and some, like women in Egypt, don’t have opportunities to engage in activities/events geared towards those who are plus size.

Well, that has now changed.

Recently, Egypt held its first ever marathon in Cairo for plus women. According to New China, there was a major turnout where you could see dozens of women in their workout gear with smiles on their faces.

With these women having less chances of marriage than their slimmer counterparts and constantly being teased over their size and made to feel inferior and unattractive, this marathon is right on time.

It’s a way to include these women in an activity that will help their self-esteem grow while being active. It’s also a way to show that women of all sizes can be active, are worthy of respect and are beautiful in their own right.

Marwa al-Saeed, organizer of the marathon, told New China:

“This marathon is a message to the whole world that overweight girls can run just like other ones.

I want to break a barrier; overweight girls are always shy to run or practice sports because of the society’s criticism to their shape. Today we will tell the society that we are able to run regardless of our weight.”

Women of all ages and sizes showed up, happily running and walking, proving that all bodies can be active.

Randa Mohammed, a 45-year-old housewife and mother of five from Cairo, spoke with New China, stating that her husband supported her decision to join in and even let his sister accompany her to the marathon:

“I want to tell everyone that you can be overweight and healthy at the same time. That’s my message today.”

Organizer al-Saeed told the media outlet that she is not stopping here. This marathon is just the beginning of her mission to “change the society’s stereotyped views that overweight girls are just not equal to other elements in the society.

She also launched the Miss Fat Beauty competition in Cairo a few months ago, which attracted dozens of plus size women who competed in the pageant:

“It is time for overweight girls and ladies to stand together. We are millions in Egypt and we have to prove that our big size does not matter when it comes to achievements and success.”

Amen to that! We applaud al-Saeed for being passionate in fighting for change against size discrimination in Egypt.

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