Modeling 101: How Can I Find More Jobs Without A PR Rep/Manager?

Modeling 101
Photography: Luke Jones for the March 2015 issue of PMM // Model: Jakaliene Rivera of True Model Management

Are you an aspiring plus size model? Would you like to know more about how to break into the plus modeling world? Then this Modeling 101 feature is for you!

Every other week, I will be answering a modeling question on the blog that are asked often by readers and aspiring models. This is a great opportunity to learn more about breaking into the business and gaining tips and honest input on how to proceed in deciding if plus modeling is the career for you.

This week’s question is…

Q: I am currently signed with an agency in a major city. With so many models obtaining managers and PR agencies, how does a regular signed model get more opportunities? I feel like I can’t compete!

A: I think it’s safe to say that the playing field has changed quite a bit as social media has evolved. Models with PR agencies and/or managers do this in order to further their brand and have their name in the media. The more you are talked about, the more relevant you seem.

While someone writing about you does not directly bring you bookings, it will indirectly put you in front of potential clients. So now that we have covered why models are doing this, let’s talk about ways in which you can push your name and brand.

Use social media to your advantage: Make sure you have a professional page on Facebook, an account with Instsgram/Twitter and Tumblr. Social media should be a way for you to build your “fan base” and for you to promote those jobs you are booking. Most jobs for plus size models have some sort of online platform; make sure you are tagging the client when the work comes out.

Networking: There are times you will see even the top models attending plus size events. Why? To mingle with the people who put them on the top. So networking and getting to know the people who follow you, bloggers and industry influencers is another great way to make sure that you are fresh on the minds of people who could potentially write about you, include you on lists, etc.

Testing: When bookers vent to me, 80% of the time it’s about their models not “testing”. You should be testing all the time. Shooting with different photographers is great because you will have a variation of looks for your book.

Tears: You may not get paid much, but any opportunities you have to get a tear, take it! With clients, if you are “working” then you are relevant and other clients will want to work with you.

Platform: Lastly, if you have a platform such as animal cruelty, anti-bullying, etc., begin to create a place for you to express yourself and inspire others. Maybe you want to start a blog, which encompasses everything about you and includes your platform. This would be a great way for people to get to know you and for you to develop your brand. Hope this helps!

For more plus modeling advice and tips, please visit the following links on the blog in our Modeling section:

How to Be a Plus Size Model

How To Get Started In Plus Size Modeling

To see past Modeling 101 questions and answers, click here.

Learn more about me here.

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