The 40+ Blogger Series: Bettye of Fashion Schlub

If you’re 40 or older, you have had a front seat to the evolution of plus size fashion in the last few decades.

When I hear 20-something year-old’s complain about how limited plus size fashion is, I always tell them, “You have no idea. What’s available now is leaps and bounds from where we used to be.

Add being over a size 24 to that and you really know the struggle that we had to endure in the 70’s and 80’s.

With that said, we thought it would be interesting, as well as insightful, to spotlight 12 plus size fashion bloggers over 40 in a weekly series, chatting with them about their style, favorite trends and how their fashion choices have evolved over the years.

This week, the 40+ Blogger Series features the beautiful Bettye of Fashion SchlubPMM Top Five (5)

Blogging since: February 2016

Age: 56

Size: Depending on brand, I fluctuate between 22/24 and 26/28.

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How would you describe your style right now in one sentence?

I’m still feeling my way along, trying different things, but I feel BEST in a slightly casual classic look with a modern twist.

What were your favorite brands and trends when you were in your 20’s?

I know I wore some cut-up sweatshirts a la Flashdance in the early 80’s (ha ha) and I loved me a high-waisted painter pant, but beyond that, I was never very trend-oriented. I shopped at the typical mall stores like The Limited, Lerner, Macy’s, etc.

As I got heavier through my later 20’s, I was grateful for the empire-waisted midi dress as it covered a multitude of sins. I really only remember shopping at Avenue and Fashion Bug during that time.

What are your favorite brands and trends now?

I love the styling of companies like Universal Standard, Elvi and Carmakoma – very minimalistic, modern and clean. ASOS Curve and Nordstrom are both favorite shopping sites of mine as they have such a vast assortment of style. Some of my favorite items have been from those two brands. Avenue is my go-to for activewear and boots, and Target and Old Navy for basic everyday wear. I have my eye on Ellos and J. Jill to try out in the upcoming season.

I am LIVING for the ath-leisure trend – I hope that stays around forever.

How has your style changed over the years? Did your body image affect the way you dressed?

I’ve gone from preppy “horse girl” to “feminine student” to “messy Mom,” and I’ve gained weight throughout all these phases. I definitely had a LONG period of “What difference does it make WHAT I wear, I can’t hide my fat, so why bother??” But last year, there was a shift and I started to care again… and am now consciously trying to develop a clean, simple, comfortable style that can take me forward into the next phase of my life.

What advice would you offer your younger self when it comes to fashion and body positivity?

Oh gosh. I wish I could have come to terms with my body MUCH earlier in my life and not wasted so much time in a “I’m not going to invest in a good wardrobe NOW, because I’m GOING to lose weight this spring/summer/fall/winter and then these things won’t fit” mindset.

So I NEVER invested in my own appearance because it felt temporary, like it needed to be changed; it wasn’t good enough as it was. I can finally say it… IT IS WHAT IT IS. I can make myself look the best I can THE WAY IT IS NOW. Without waiting for some future “improvement.”

As far as fashion, TRY EVERYTHING. And answer this question when you consider buying an item – “Is this the person you want to be?” And if it’s not… put it back on the rack and move on.

Who are some of your style inspirations in the blogger world?

What trends are you looking forward to this spring?

I have my eye on some beautiful embroidered flats for summer and I love the look of a slip dress over a tee and a plain white sneaker with a dress – dressy or casual.

What are your plans for the blog in 2017?

* Video!

* More tutorials/instruction

* Develop more of a story-telling style, meaning not just showing outfit inspiration, but showing like, here is what I do in a day, a week, at work, on vacation – and here are the kinds of clothes that work well in that situation.

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You can check out Bettye’s blog Fashion Schlub here.

You can find her on Instagram here and on Facebook here.

Check back next Tuesday on the blog to see who we feature next in our 40+ Blogger Series.

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