Interview with Daniela Lombardi of Canadian Curvies

This mother of 3 is NOT shy about Body Positivity! Up close and personal with Daniela Lombardi of Canadian Curvies.

When passion meets destiny it begins an unsettling in the soul. This is exactly what happened with Daniela Lombardi… this 40+ stunning mother of three is here to inspire those women who live inside their comfort zone and are yearning to step out.

Social Media:

Instagram: @_danilombardi_

About Daniela:

Daniela is a part time model with Peace Management, she works full time with the family business but she’s also a single mother of 3 teenagers! As many women would shy away of age, she proudly boasts that she’s 40+ and proud! Daniela battled with her weight all her life, and that taught her to have thick skin and build her confidence levels. Growing up in a time where plus size clothing was not easily found, she learned to hone her fashion skills. She got creative and it gave her an edge. She loves finding pieces of clothing and adding her own flare to it. One of the many reasons why she helped co-found #CanadianCurvies, is that she can be the voice of many women who are in her shoes…”I wish growing up I had the Ashley’s, the Catherine’s, the Sarah’s and Yolanda’s to look up to; but I didn’t. So I had to become a role model for myself… to exude confidence, to be proud. I wanted a platform to show women, it’s ok if you don’t fit into society’s norm, just own what you got. As long as you are happy and healthy in mind, body and soul; that’s all that matters. I want to teach my daughters, their friends, my peers self-love, self-confidence and self-worth. Your dress size does not determine your worth, a scale does not determine that, media does not determine that. And ignorant people….well we will just leave them at the door.

When asked about having a positive self esteem…

“When I look in the mirror I don’t see the rolls, the scars, the stretch marks.  I see me. I see Daniela; a mom, a daughter, a sister and a friend.  My body doesn’t define me or my heart. This body has given birth, this body has had its ups and downs.  It’s beautiful. I’ve learned to love and accept me as I am and that’s the best gift any woman can give herself.” 

On challenging negative stereo types…  

“If a woman does not fit into society’s “norm” she’s considered unhealthy, she’s considered obese, she’s on the couch all day eating donuts.  We have to put an end to this stereotype. By creating Canadian Curvies, we are able to get that message out. I may not be a size 6, but I rock my size 16 proudly.  I have battled my weight my whole life; I watch what I eat, I am active, and I am healthy.  You can be curvy and fit, as much as you can be slender and unhealthy. Healthy lifestyles come in all shapes and sizes…as does sexy!” 

Goals for Canadian Curvies…

“Being new to plus size modeling, I realized that there is a lack of Canadian representation in the plus size market in North America. We want to use Canadian Curvies to bring attention to this. There are a lot of plus size models in Canada; but it seems that if you’re south of the border, your chances are better to be hired… even in Canada. We want to showcase to the world that confident, curvy Canadians can and will rock this industry too!”

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