Spotlight on Photographer Stanley Desbas

When it comes to photography there is no denying Stanley Desbas has an exceptional eye.

Whether you are an aspiring model or seasoned professional working along side someone so passionate will be something you will never forget.

This month we chat with Stanley and feature his newest session with model Taylor Edwards.

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How long have you been a photographer?

I’ve been a photographer for fifteen years.

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How would you categorize your style of photography?

I appreciate all photography styles, I’m most comfortable with high fashion photoshoots.

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You’ve worked with top models in the fashion industry, including plus size models. How has the industry changed since you started shooting?

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Social media was not such a huge component of a models career. When I started all a model had was her agent, now it seems like she can have as much input in her career as her agent.

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What is your advice for aspiring photographers?

Stay in love with what first brought you to photography. There will be a lot of ups and downs but in the end if you see it through you will make it.

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Model:  Taylor Edwards

Agency: MSA models nyc

Makeup Artist : Shyanna Beaujour

IG: Shyannab_

Photographer: Stanley Desbas

IG: Desbasphotography



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