Goal Setting… The Anatomy of a Great Goal

The Anatomy of a Great Goal

I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t goal setting.

Goal setting… When I was a child, I wished for dolls, toys, and experiences like going to Disney Land. Now, as an adult, my goals are focused on my health, finances, writing, coaching business, and my podcast. With the world suffering from COVID-19, it might seem acceptable to let go of personal or professional goals but this is exactly the right time to get very serious about your goals. Life is never guaranteed. This is more evident than ever before. The time you have now needs to be put to good use. If you lost your job, what are you doing to get a new one? If your business has been greatly impacted from COVID-19, what are you doing to rebound? If you wanted to start a new business or side hustle, what are you waiting for?  Here are 5 easy ways to design a goal that you can actually accomplish: 

#1 S.M.A.R.T. Approach   


Have you heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals? This is a fantastic framework to design a goal for yourself. It’s easy to remember and most importantly, it is easy to apply! When designing a goal for yourself, make it a habit for yourself to frame each goal as a S.M.A.R.T. goal. 

#2 Train Your Mind for Success  


You can be your #1 advocate, or you can be your own worst enemy.  Either way, it is a choice YOU make and live by in your life. If you want to succeed at accomplishing a goal, in addition to taking physical action, there are mental activities you need to adhere to: 

#3 Consciously Consume What Fuels You 


What you read, watch, and listen to matters. They leave a lasting effect on your mind. Why wouldn’t you constantly consume positive and motivational content every day? If you are serious about achieving your goals, you will do the following over and over again: 

#4 Embrace the Obstacles  


Giving up isn’t an option unless you make it one for yourself. When you are on a mission to accomplish your goal, you will face obstacles. This is to be expected. But what some people fail to realize how this is actually a good thing. We don’t grow and evolve when we are comfortable. Growth happens when we are uncomfortable. Embrace every challenge and obstacle standing in your way. You will be a better person because of it!  

#5 Get the Help You Need 


If you need help, it is up to you to say something. Most people do not mind readers and will not know to lend a helping hand to you. It is 2020, and it is unacceptable to say, “I don’t know how to get started.” First, you always turn to the google machine.  Then you type in your question. Go through the resources that came up in the results. If you aren’t finding what you are looking for, then use your personal and professional network. Utilize books and directly contact people in the field who can give you the insight you need. If you are determined to get help and are willing to actually do something about it, you will find the support you need! 

View More Inspiration From Natasha

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