The Silver Lining…

It’s day 12, 7658, 900 of the quarantine. Well, at least it feels that way for many of us and here we are approaching one of the happiest holidays, Mother’s Day.

I won’t lie and say that being home for over 40 days with my daughter has been pure joy. It’s hard to be a teacher, mom, friend, and manage your own feelings and emotions… and then there is a career and real-life issues to worry about as well. So where is the silver lining?

Instead of focusing on the negative, I started to take notice of those things that are happening around me that are positive, that bring me joy, or that I can participate in. I may not be at the gym, but I do gym classes with my daughter on Zoom.

My daughter is Autistic and while I consider myself a hands-on parent, being able to see first-hand how her teachers engage with her has been instrumental for me at home. I stopped worrying so much about things I can’t control, and started to give myself a break! Now more than ever I appreciate Facetime phone calls with my mom, wine dates with my friends, and date nights on the couch.

And while Mother’s Day will be very different for all of us, with the help of technology we can all find ways to be #AloneTogether. Be kind to yourself and the people in your life. This is not an easy time and we will get through it together.

Happy Mother’s Day…


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