Ageless Style

Ageless style

Ageless Style …

To me, fashion is for everyone regardless of size, shape, gender, or age. When I was turning 40 I happened to mention it among a group of people at an event and one person, in particular, gasped and said, “OMG, what are you going to do?” I looked at her and thought to myself, be fabulous! 

It’s been eight years since that time and I’ve accomplished more professionally and personally than ever before. I don’t believe age or size for that matter should deter you from your goals. The issue I find is that we seldom hear about the success stories. Where are our 40+ success stories? I dug deep this month to feature people who are thriving and paving the way for future generations. 

For me, my success comes from following my journey, doing the work, and leading with kindness. I’m so honored to have such amazing people share their stories with us this month. Stay tuned for new IG Live interviews and features. 


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