Styling Tips to Feel Curvy and Confident this Valentines Day

Styling Tips to Feel Curvy and Confident this Valentines Day

Styling Tips… Regardless of your plans for Valentine’s Day this year, it’s safe to say you’ll want to look and feel your best to make it extra special.

As you gear up for date night at home or plan to go out and take proper safety precautions, there are plenty of plus-size styling tips you can choose from to accentuate your curves and feel confident. Finding ways to express body positivity through your clothing will allow you to better love yourself and your partner on a day where love should be the ultimate focus!

Utilize TikTok

Body confident Tiktokers unite! Plus size fashion-forward influencers have been taking to TikTok a lot over the last year to give you realistic style hauls so you don’t have to go out and buy things on your own. Inspirational women like Denise Mercedes and Remi Bader own their curves by offering followers outfit inspiration and styling tips in their videos. If you’re lacking the imagination to come up with a chic Valentine’s Day look on your own, take to the body confident side of Tiktok and your problem will be solved in no time! 

Wear Shapewear

Shapewear was on the rise before the pandemic but has since taken a back seat as most of us haven’t had an occasion to wear it to. However, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you can finally try out this trend by choosing to wear breathable and secure shapewear under your date night dress or jeans. The purpose of shapewear isn’t to hide your curves, but instead to accentuate and smooth them in all the right ways. Adding this to your date night fit is a surefire way to make you feel empowered and sexy for the entirety of your evening with your love interest. 

Order Several Sizes

Nothing is more frustrating than ordering something online that you feel very excited about, only to have it not fit the way you want. If you find yourself falling in love with the perfect pink mini dress for your date, make sure to order it in a couple of different sizes. Before you send back the sizes you don’t like, ask yourself if you’re settling on the one that truly fits. It can be tempting as a curvy woman to go for the one that fits a little bit looser, or in some cases a little bit tighter, but the true key to styling yourself perfectly is to go with a size that’s in between. This tactic will help you better determine how your size runs for that site specifically, allowing you to always look your best on the first try!

Be Brave

Regardless of size, we all have certain insecurities we try to cover up with our clothes. This Valentine’s Day, try to challenge yourself to be brave. This can mean anything from wearing a top that showcases your arms, to donning a shorter dress that allows your legs to shine. The point is, you should wear something that keeps you feeling flawless on this special day, instead of covering yourself up. And, if you don’t know where exactly to start as you try to be brave with your look, curvy celebrity stylist Susan Moses says, “When in doubt, reach for a pencil skirt.” Long form-hugging skirts like this will set the rest of your look up for success, allowing you to put your best figure forward so that you can branch out with the rest of your outfit choices.

Branch Out

Is there a certain pattern or style you’ve been dying to try but haven’t had a reason to? Now is your chance! From changing your hairstyle by adding bangs to buying yourself a pair of trendy mom jeans, the possibilities are endless. Make 2021 a year of self-expression and discovery by taking your style to new places. You can start this process by finally trying on that colorful trench coat you’ve had your eye on or by buying that bucket hat you thought might be too much of a risk. Whatever you’ve got your eye on, be sure to use Valentine’s Day as your excuse to go all out with your look and incorporate something new that you may have been on the fence about wearing!

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