Summer Vibes…

PLUS Model Magazine was initially created 15 years ago because there was a void in the industry and the plus-size modeling industry was still growing.

We did not have “social media” or any money when we started but the industry (model, makeup/hair artist, and photographers) gave their time and passion to create the platform we have today.

Summer Vibes

So today the industry is very different and representation is vastly different but we are still pushing the same agenda and celebrating the industry with our readers in mind. Our readership has changed over the years from modeling-focused readers to any and everyone, and that brings us so much joy.

For this and because YOU asked, PMM will be offering special incentives for aspiring models in the near future while celebrating the strength and unity of our community.

This June we are featuring two amazing models (Cheyenne & Gess) who embody the feeling I had for our June cover. The summer months can sometimes be so difficult for people who are struggling with their body image and self-confidence. We want to encourage you and support you through this journey. Self-confidence is an everyday journey and we are here to celebrate all of us…

Many thanks to our sponsor City Chic USA and CC World of Curves for always supporting PLUS Model Magazine.

Sign up for our email newsletter… we will be announcing our interview dates with them very soon.

XOXO – Maddy

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