Celebrating 15 Years

In 2006 Valery Amador asked me about an idea she had. It was the bare bones of what would become PLUS Model Magazine. Our beginning was VERY rocky. There was NOTHING on the market like PMM at the time. With her living on the west coast and me on the east coast, we began working together virtually and finally met at Full Figured Fashion Week almost 5 years later.

Celebrating 15 Years

My friend, mentor, and business partner has everything to do with the success of PMM and my personal brand. She has led by example and has always kept a level head when I wanted to hide in a corner – lol – Thank you Val!

Many people have contributed to the success of PLUS Model Magazine over the span of 15 years.

Everyone from models and brands to our amazing readers who have been supporting our efforts tirelessly.

What have we learned in 15 years?

– Follow the journey that is yours, never compare your path to someone else’s.
– Listening to the community is the best way to know where your efforts should be focused.
– You will never be everything to everyone… embrace your authentic path.
– It’s okay to make mistakes, you will grow from them.
– Honoring plus size history helps us to look at how far along we are and what challenges we have to face moving forward.
– Unity will always be necessary in order to move the needle forward.

Our wish is to be able to support and bring inspiration to you and everyone who comes across PLUS Model Magazine. The world may change around you, but your love and passion for yourself should remain paramount.

Hugs to all,

XOXO Maddy

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