Ageless Style

PLUS Model Magazine and Lane Bryant Partner to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month! #Sponsored




Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month!

Each year Americans observe ‘National Hispanic Heritage Month October 15th – September 15th as a time to celebrate the history, culture, and contributions from the Latin Community. Today we are partnering with Lane Bryant to highlight a few of our Latinx fashionistas in NYC.  [divider] . [/divider]

Maddy & Madison Jones

PLUS Model Magazine and Lane Bryant Partner to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month! #Sponsored

National Hispanic Heritage Month is important to me because I want my daughter to embrace her multi-cultural background as an Afro-Latina. I want her to recognize the contributions we have made on a large scale and within the plus-size community. 

I honor my culture during this time and every day by acknowledging those that came before me and opened up doors that have allowed me the opportunities I’ve been blessed with. And in my daily life, I hold the door open and pay it forward so that I can be a blessing to others. 

I chose this look for Madison and I because I wanted for us to reflect who we are as mother and daughter.

Madison loves joggers and this is her first Lane Bryant denim jacket so we are pretty excited about it. I love a great print and I’m obsessed with the new denim options so this was an easy look to put together and I feel great in it. 

Shop the Look Here and Follow Maddy on IG @plusjones [divider] . [/divider]

Darlene Lebron

Hispanic Heritage Month is a special time of the year and one that is so important to me because being of Puerto Rican descent it’s an opportunity to further showcase and educate our communities on what makes our culture unique and amazing. It’s also a time of celebration and acknowledgment of the contribution made by our community.

During this time I like to honor my culture by sharing as much as I can about it with those around me. I also take this as a special time to share stories from my community with my children, watch movies and read books that celebrate our culture.

As a mom on the go, I like feeling pulled together but ready for everything.

This look is just that. I can run errands, head to the park, or pack inventory for my business. Plus this cute graphic tee is a gentle reminder that I’m one strong momma even if things feel crazy at times.

Shop the Look Here and Follow Darlene on IG @suitsheelscurves

[divider] . [/divider]

Sandra Negron

National Hispanic Heritage Month is important to me because it’s a time to recognize and share the contributions, achievements, and influence of Hispanic Americans. As well as a time to celebrate and recognize the presence of the Latinx culture in our society

I honor my culture during this time and all year round by listening to those who are a part of the fabric of that society. Listening to our stories, understanding the aspects of our culture, and using that understanding to broaden my knowledge of my Heritage.

I chose this look because it’s literally Me in a dress! I love the off-the-shoulder, fun, and flirty style and it’s my favorite color… Leopard!

Shop the Look Here and Follow Sandra on IG @lapecosapreciosa [divider] . [/divider]


As a legal immigrant and a proud Afro Latina, Hispanic heritage month is very important to me. As a matter of fact, this question brings back a lot of fond memories from my childhood. When I first came to the United States I could barely communicate. It was hard for me to say “My name is Rubeiri” in English. Yet in some strange way, I felt hopeful and at home because people that looked like me were using their cultural influences to create an infrastructure to build a community and establish financial independence and a legacy, not only for their family but for their community as well.

As I began making progress learning English, I became ashamed of my accent until I entered high school, made friends, and realized that almost everyone else had an accent of their own. Whether they were from another country or a different borough. An accent/how we sound represents who we are and we should not be ashamed of where we come from.

Hispanic Heritage month is the perfect month for us to highlight our accomplishments and educate others about our culture. We came here with an extended invitation to add to the diversity of the United States and strengthen the nation and, hopefully, one day I can be added to your Google search as one of the Hispanics that contributed to our community.

I try really hard, in fact, I go out of my way every single day and every single month to highlight my culture especially our food, the passionate way that we communicate, and our music that is so special to us.


I also participate in nonprofit organizations and events that help to build up the culture. I share fun facts about my culture on social media when I can. I also share my story with as many people as I can on a daily basis to empathize with new immigrants and show them that great things can be achieved if they’re not willing to settle while being their authentic selves.

Lane Bryant to me always represented sophistication. Their pieces were timeless and could easily be used for multiple occasions.  The moment I saw the jumper, especially in print, I knew I had to have it.

My style is very loud yet versatile and jumpers to me represent exactly that. Growing up in NYC on a $7 dollar an hour job I was always on a budget so I had to be smart about how I shopped. I am so thankful and grateful to be able to obtain the pieces of my wardrobe that allow me to express myself in the best way possible.

Shop the Look Here and Follow Rubeiri on IG @rubeiriplus [divider] . [/divider]

Darlene, Sandra, Maddy, Rubeiri, and Madison are wearing Lane Bryant [divider]PHOTOGRAPHY[/divider]

Lucas Jones IG @lucaspicturesnyc



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