Turning A Corner And Facing The Mountain…

Turning A Corner And Facing The Mountain...

Last year I had an absolutely devastating situation happen to me.

It came at a point in my life when I should have been THE happiest. I was working on the launch of Gratitude In Style, I was well on my way with Power Plus Wellness and PMM was moving along nicely. I’m used to challenges happening because of the career I have and all the moving parts that come with it but this time it was different and personal.

It reminded me of the time I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was faced to make a decision about HOW to move forward emotionally and live with this diagnosis. Now so many years later I was facing a similar situation and wondered if I could move forward yet again.

There are no easy answers to some of life’s challenges and while I’m still dealing with the situation I have decided to keep it private but I decided to share what I’ve learned about myself and how I was able to change my life in one step. It’s not a simple step… not at all.

Facing a devasting situation could be anything from a health issue, job crisis, or family situation.

And what they all have in common is how we react to the situation. And while it’s extremely difficult not to allow the fear of uncertainty to overcome us, it is important to “feel” the fear and acknowledge all the feelings while thinking about the options before making a decision. I have definitely been that person that reacts before thinking and I’ve done this MANY times over my adult life. It’s taken me this long to have finally turned a corner. Stop, feel, acknowledge and then decide and act. It may sound easy but when you are faced with a mountain of a challenge in front of you making the decision to have faith in YOU and your ability to face that mountain is the best step you can take.

I could have acted on my fear, my disappointment but I did not, and while the challenge is one I’m still facing I did not make my life worse by acting on impulse. I took one step at a time and decided that my life and my future deserved to be treated with intention.

I hope this message is received by those that needed to hear it.

Love & Light,

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