How to Find Your Sister Tribe

How to Find Your Sister Tribe

How to Find Your Sister Tribe…

The power of sisterhood is undeniable. This is a power that cannot be quantified but can be felt. The power of sisterhood is something that can change the world. Sisterhood has always been a powerful force in the world and it’s time to harness its potential again. It’s time for us to build a tribe of sisterhood and community, and to use this as a way to make a change in the world. Here are 5 ways to find your sister tribe: 

1) Set an intention for what you want your sister tribe to be like.

Do you want them to have pets? Do they need to be feminists? Would they love to go hiking with you?


2) Get out there!

You can’t find anyone sitting at home in front of the TV, no matter how much fun the shows on FOX SOUL may be.


3) Go into every new situation with an open mind and spirit.

Don’t just go out looking for a specific type of person—the goal is to focus on connecting with others with similar and dissimilar habits to your own. This is how you will grow and learn more about yourself!  


4) Get some hobbies!

Hobbies are a great way to meet people who are into similar things. And if you don’t have any hobbies, now’s the time to start thinking about what you might like to do in your spare time! Try taking up yoga or knitting, or maybe join an intramural sports team. 


5) Ask your friends.

Your existing friend network most likely has helpful community referrals that they could introduce you to. You might be surprised at how willing people are to help facilitate new relationships—and it’s always nice to branch out and make new connections through existing friendships! Shout-out to HerSuiteSpot! As the Chief Engagement Officer, I am ALWAYS encouraging friends of friends to join the network!  



Sisterhood is important to me because it makes a difference in your day-to-day life. Being able to rely on and connect with someone else, no matter what is going on in your life, is something that can’t be bought. In a world where women are supposed to be pitted against each other, it is truly rare to find friendships that are supportive and empowering. When you do, hold on tight and truly cherish and nourish that relationship! 

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