5 Reasons Why I’m Grateful for Discomfort

5 Reasons Why I’m Grateful for Discomfort

I’m grateful for discomfort. I know—it sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. 

I’m not sure what it is, but lately, I’ve been feeling like the universe is trying to tell me something.  

After having my bold, brilliant, and beautiful son KJ 16 months ago, I have dealt with severe hip pain, plantar fasciitis, and now, I am in physical therapy for tendonitis.    

You see, when we’re uncomfortable, we’re forced to face something that’s challenging us. We have to look it in the eye and ask ourselves: “What can I do differently?”

And then… we get to feel great when we figure out a solution! It’s amazing how much better you feel after you’ve faced a challenge and overcome it. You know what they say: “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” And that’s because success is built on hard work. 

Dealing with physical pain has forced me to prioritize my health and pay better attention to my body. As a mother, it is imperative that I take better care of myself so I’m in the best position to care for my son. In case you need a bit more convincing, here are 5 reasons why I’m truly grateful for discomfort:

1. It helps me see what I’m not good at, which is valuable information if I ever want to grow as a person or as a professional. 


2. It gives me an opportunity to practice being uncomfortable so that in the future I will have the ability to handle it with grace and poise (or at least with the ability to fake it). 


3. It reminds me that sometimes we need to ask for help—and sometimes we actually get it! (Who knew?). 


4. It reminds me that things will always change, so it’s important for me to remain flexible and adaptable as things shift around me (even if only slightly).


5. It reminds me of how beautiful life can be when we’re open-minded enough.   


So next time you find yourself feeling uncomfortable and wondering whether it’s worth it—just remember this: This discomfort is your chance for growth

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