Editor's Letter

Start the New Year with GRACE…



If you’ve been following me for any amount of time then you know I don’t do things like “resolutions” but I do believe in hitting the re-start button.

In my podcast ‘Gratitude In Style’ with co-host Meaghan O’Connor we shared about the things that we do to stay positive when we are faced with challenges. One of those things we spoke about was hitting the re-start button. Sometimes I do it once, twice, or even three times a day because it’s what I need to give myself the permission to feel my feelings, fear, or confusion and then forge forward.

Start the New Year with GRACE...

This year along with keeping the “re-start” as a tool I’m adding the word GRACE…

I’m allowing myself GRACE when I’m not feeling at my best…
I’m allowing situations GRACE
I’m allowing others GRACE when they need more time, compassion, or a shoulder to lean on

So often we are hard on ourselves and each other because we find ourselves in fight or flight mode… it’s no surprise after the past few years we’ve had and the circumstances around the world. It’s hard not to feel helpless as we watch the news, but we can have a hand in how we respond and treat the people around us. So for me, I will be looking through a lens that allows me to express GRACE to myself and others in order to do my part to bring more goodness into a world that so desperately needs it.

January could be a very difficult season for many of us because we will be bombarded with diet ads and articles, etc…

My response to an industry that makes money from spewing disgust towards bodies that look like mine is to LOVE HER even more… meaning love my body even more. Moving her, showing her compassion, and of course GRACE. I hope this month you will find ways to celebrate your body in ways that feel good to you. And if you find yourself in a place where you are looking to move your body in person or online with others that look like us, check out POWER PLUS WELLNESS… news classes are being announced soon and virtual classes will be opening up so no matter where you are in the world, you will be among friends.

with GRACE,
Maddy Jones


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