Black Woman’s Guide to Self-Care

Black Woman’s Guide to Self-Care

When you’re a black woman, it can feel like everyone is watching you.

It can feel like the entire world is focused on your every move and every word, waiting for you to say or do something they can use to tear down your reputation.

It’s exhausting—and it’s why taking care of yourself is so important.

In honor of Black History Month, I wanted to share this guide to help you make sure that you are taking care of yourself every single day so that you can be your best self for everyone else around you! 

1. Eat:

You need food. It literally keeps your body alive, so make sure to eat at least one time every day! 


2. Drink water:

This seems obvious, but sometimes we forget about it! Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day—it’ll help flush out toxins and keep your energy levels up. 


3. Sleep:

Sleep is important for everyone, but especially when you’re a black woman who has to deal with all kinds of BS every day just because of who you are (and not because of anything else). Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You need sleep! Sleep gives us the energy we need to keep going each day without losing our minds or giving up entirely on society as a whole (or even just ourselves).  


4. Pamper yourself:

Get a massage or other type of bodywork—it’s a great way to relax and decompress after a long day at work. 


5. Develop a gratitude routine:

Practice gratitude every morning and night by writing down three things you’re grateful for in your journal or telling yourself out loud what they are before bedtime. 


6. Make space for what you enjoy:

Take time for yourself in whatever way works best for you—whether that’s reading a book or taking a bath or just sitting outside for 15 minutes in peace and quiet. 


7. Know your worth:

Get clear on what you deserve—and don’t settle for less than that. You can’t really love yourself if you don’t know what makes you happy and then pursue those things. If you want to be happy, start by figuring out what makes you happy and go after it.


8. Stop trying to please everyone else:

You are not responsible for how other people feel or what they think about your life, so stop worrying about them so much. You don’t have time for that! Focus on yourself and let others do their own thing without your interference (unless they ask for it).


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