Autism Awareness & Acceptance…

April is World Autism Month and as a mother to a vibrant 14-year-old on the spectrum it’s my honor to be able to share our world in order to encourage other parents on the same journey.

4-Autism Awareness & Acceptance…

They say that if you meet a person with Autism, you have met ONE person with Autism and it’s so true…

They are as different ad unique as our fingerprints. And while this diagnosis comes with various challenges, they LOVE just like us.

For me, my work has always come first and when I was given the news about her diagnosis when she was only 2 1/2 years old I was crushed and scared.

I was fearful for her future and how I could possibly take care of a child with special needs. What I did not expect was that in many ways I FOUND MYSELF in being her mom. I feel deeper and see the world through a lens my daughter has shown me to focus on. My once non-verbal little girl is now a teenager that sings, plays instruments, has friends, and loves her school and learning.

Why do we need awareness & acceptance?

Simply put, the world is not always a place that they can process so we need people to pause before they react. Instead of assuming the child or adult you are looking at is being rude, behaving badly or just throwing a tantrum… they may be experiencing a trigger, sensory or processing issues, or even fear. And what we need to help our children is grace to use the tools we have learned to help them through that moment. Many times WE (the parents) are yelled at by strangers that simply don’t understand and think we should be yelling or hitting our kids when what we need is time to help our children.

I have been one of the people who have seen a parent struggle with their child…

…so I understand the optics but I promise you if we could wave a magic wand and stop our children from experiencing this confusion or fear, we would. What we need is Grace… we could all use a little grace.

To the many sponsors who have recognized the need for Autism Awareness & Acceptance, we thank you for taking the stand with us to create a more inclusive world for our loved ones.

Follow our journey:
@plusjones on Instagram

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