PMM Archives: PLUS Model Magazine Interviews Photographer Victoria Janashvili

Our “Love Your Body” Issue is always one of our most popular, but this year it yielded an overwhelming amount of positive feedback and it was all due to the editorial featuring plus -size model Jennifer Maitland in the nude. I sat with photographer, Victoria Janashvili, who shot the amazing photos and who now happens to be a new fan of the plus size industry. Her story is amazing, and this month, she shares how shooting plus size models changed her life.

Maddy: Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Victoria: I was born in Russia and raised in London; I grew up there. I came to New York three years ago.

Maddy: Did you always want to be a photographer?

Victoria: I planned to become a lawyer or economist. Never thought I could be a photographer because my parents said this was not what people did for a living. It was always an interest for me since I was a child.

Maddy: Totally did not expect that, how did you go from Economics to Photography?

Victoria: I was studying economics in London and was very frustrated, I wanted a different life.

I randomly met one of the best photographers in the world in London and he asked me to be an assistant. I took him up on his offer and shared many experiences on set and eventually became his studio manager. At this point I dropped out of school and went to school for photography while I was working.

Maddy: Becoming a photographer is not easy to do and the competition is fierce.

Victoria: I learned very early on that what you need to do is be on set, work your behind off and soak it all in. For me it took 5 years and watching people do it in order to be able to really understand imagery.

Enjoy the entire interview HERE.

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