PLUS Model Magazine’s Love Your Body Issue

How do you love your body?

Very often when we post positive body affirmations on our Facebook page, the replies from women are positive. Every once in a while we will receive a message with someone asking us how they too can be confident in their own skin.

Without getting too deep I want you to ask yourself, “Are you being kind to your body, taking care of it, getting enough rest and eating nourishing foods?” This is not weight loss talk, it’s body wellness. In order for us to embrace the body we are in we must treat it the way you treat your boyfriend/girlfriend or someone you love. Often we do so much for others and forget about ourselves. I am preaching to myself, trust me. With a full time job, a daughter and husband, my schedule is pretty hectic, but I am making it a priority and I would love for you to do the same. Let’s love ourselves as we love those in our lives, completely, genuinely and with all of our imperfections that make us perfect.

In this issue we are featuring bodies in many ways in order to encourage the many thousands of readers around the world. We have included a very special feature honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month by our Empowerment Editor, Kendra C. Johnson.

As always, we have great fashions for you this month coming to you from Cult of California, an Exclusive editorial featuring Allison McGevna.

We hope you enjoy what we have for you in this very special Love Your Body issue.

Check out the entire issue on October 1, 2012

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