Healthy Resolutions for 2013 – Plus Size Health

Beginning 2013 on the right foot; a new year focused on a new you!!  Tis the season of reinvention, work-outs, resolutions, and a healthier you.  For January, we have placed emphasis on intellectual wellness and the mental benefits of physical activity.  In this section, you will read stories shared by women who are improving their lives and greatly impacting the lives of others for the better!

Research has linked increased physical activity to improved mood, self awareness, energy levels, and a more restful night’s sleep.  Myers, Sweeney, & Witmer presenters of “Wheel of Wellness” even include intellectual wellness as one of six components to obtaining complete wellness for the individual.  Intellectual wellness includes: learning through varied experiences; learning because YOU want to, not because someone else wants you to; applying lessons learned to your daily life; and exploring yourself and experiencing new things.  How does this relate to physical activity and your life?

You have a better chance at succeeding in ventures that you are passionate about and those which will benefit you.  Exercise should not be done to appease others, but more so to make you happy.  While engaging in physical activity, you have the chance to commune with the mind and spirit; staying encouraged while strengthening the body.

So, this year, let us focus on holistic health and wellness as our PRIMARY concern and enjoy all the perks which come with it!

Remember, you do not have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

Read the entire article featuring Rochelle Rice, Golda Poretsky and Tulin Reid. CLICK HERE



Yve Edmond

Health and Wellness Editor, PLUS Model Magazine

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