
Hot Girl Summer Secrets to Self-Acceptance!



Self-Acceptance Secrets…

Follow these hot girl summer secrets to learn how you too, can find self-acceptance this season!

Aside from the scorching temperatures and high humidity levels, this season officially marks the beginning of your hot girl summer. Are you ready to bring the heat?

Regardless of your shape, size, and overall look, learning to love yourself is key to kickstarting your ‘hot girl’ summer. Embracing who you are from the inside-out allows you to shine from within and therefore, portray yourself as the glowing, gorgeous girl that you are. So, what better time than now to start showing yourself some extra TLC?

If you’re not sure where to begin, look no further! Follow these hot girl summer secrets to learn how you too, can find self-acceptance this season!

Be Body-Positive

Make no mistake— whether you’re a size two or a size twenty-four, your body is already beach-ready. But, with societal standards constantly idolizing an unrealistic womanly figure, it can be hard for us females to feel as though our bodies are perfect just the way they are. That’s why a true ‘hot girl’ summer starts with your journey to body-positivity. Although it can be easier said than done, embracing your plus size figure is necessary to transform your mindset and general perspective on what it means to be truly beautiful. 


Practice Self-Love

Along with being body-positive, to have a real ‘hot girl’ summer, it’s also critical that you make an effort to practice some form of self-love each and every day. Self-love can be attributed to many different areas of life. From how it can affect your ability to maintain healthy relationships to how it influences how you cope with your problems, the way you think about yourself and care for your overall well-being can directly impact your quality of life.  That being said, it’s time to write yourself a prescription for self-love this summer.

#1 Care for the Skin You’re In 

As your body’s largest organ, your skin deserves your utmost love and attention, especially as it undergoes environmental changes and becomes more exposed to the sun. Plus, believe it or not, taking the time to care for your skin can also be a wonderful self-love practice, as long as it’s done correctly. 

For optimal treatment and proper protection, be sure your routine includes a cleanser, treatment, moisturizer, and sunscreen (during the day). Perform your regimen twice a day, morning and night. To take it one step further, consider consulting your dermatologist to ensure you’re using trusted skin care products equipped for your skin type and concerns. 

#2 Use Self-Affirmations 


Say it with me now! “I am enough,” “My body is beautiful,” “I am perfectly happy and satisfied with who I am.” Using self-affirmations like these are a simple, yet powerful way to practice self-love as these phrases help you to reach your full potential by subconsciously tricking your mind into believing in yourself and manifesting your goals. 

Remember, however, that these changes cannot typically alter your mindset overnight. Keeping this in mind, try and repeat your own unique self-affirmations—either by writing them down in a manifestation journal or saying them aloud— once or twice a day for a few weeks straight. As each week passes, pay close attention to how these seemingly small sayings alter who you are for the better!

#3 Engage in Mindfulness Activities 

Finally, find a few mindfulness activities that you actually enjoy doing. Not everyone can find peace of mind and that’s totally okay! There are plenty of other activities you can do that to unleash your inner zen.

Other basic exercises like filling out journal prompts, stretching, painting, and reading are equally as effective for practicing mindfulness and self-love. Figure out what works for you and schedule in some time each day to focus on this activity. 


Empower Other Females 

How you view and act towards other females can also reveal a great deal about your self-compassion. Say, for instance, you go to the beach and see a plus size woman who shares the same waist size as you sporting a stylish, two-piece bikini. If your first thought is how insecure she should feel or how unflattering she looks, chances are, you’re likely going to avoid rocking that same look in the future, right? That’s why having a ‘hot girl’ summer and reaching self-acceptance involves empowering other females. What you put out in the world is what you will get in return, so don’t forget to lift up your other plus size ladies and remind them just how stunning they really are. 

Exude Confidence

To talk the talk, you have to be able to walk the walk, and to do that means you must embrace your sexuality and exude confidence unapologetically. A ‘hot girl’ summer is all about building yourself up, so make sure that you’re doing things for yourself that help you look and feel your best. Your happiness should not be compromised by the way you look or the way someone else does. Use the other ‘hot girl’ summer secrets above to live comfortably with the person you are on the inside and on the outside. Dance like no one’s watching, have some guilt-free fun, and most of all, celebrate your summer with self-acceptance!

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