The Influencer Issue: Interview With Richlove Rockson

Interview With Influencer Richlove Rockson…

For our cover model Richlove Rockson her journey has taken her from limited fashion options simply because of her size to showing the world great style via her social media platforms.


Changing the narrative and inspiring others that feel challenged is her passion and we are delighted to get to know more about this beautiful fashionista in our personal interview.

Get to know cover model Richlove Rockson…

How would you describe your personal fashion aesthetic?

I would describe my personal fashion aesthetic as classy yet simple with a pop of color.

Plus-size fashion has evolved in so many ways, and a lot of it we attribute to influencers like yourself showing clothing and style on a plus-size body. What prompted you to become a fashion influencer? Have you always loved fashion?

To be honest, when I was younger I didn’t have a great relationship with fashion because I could not find anything in my size, which lead me to wear a lot of men’s clothing because they were a wider fit. But when I saw my big brother Richmond, who was my little motivation back then, wearing clothes and making them his own I felt inspired. And that’s when everything kind of started. I just started to slowly love fashion and the way it opens you to express yourself with it. I always felt limited because it was and is hard to find clothing for plus-size people that are more trendy or as I like to say… “Not old people’s clothing”. Becoming a fashion influencer came later on.

As an influencer how do you hope to inspire anyone who comes across your images or this interview?

I want to inspire anyone out there that feels like they can’t wear what they want because they feel like they are not “allowed” to. That is what I use to feel, because of the lack of representation of plus-size women, men, and especially black plus-sized people. Fashion should be for everyone no matter the size, gender, and where you come from.

You are in Germany, can you tell us about the plus-size fashion industry? How has it changed and what do you hope to see happen in the future?

The plus-size fashion industry has changed for sure but in comparison to other countries like America or London, I feel like Germany has a lot to do! Most clothing that I personally can find in Germany is not “trendy” and are more often boring. To be honest you can also see it when you walk through the streets of Germany. When someone dresses nice or just wears something with color they automatically look at you as if they have never seen a well-dressed plus-size person. I hope to see Germany embrace fashion as others have and see fashion as something that is and can be worn by anyone.

Diversity and inclusion are topics that we have been advocating for sixteen years. How important is it for you and how do you hope to change the narrative in the fashion industry?

Diversity and inclusion are very important to me and I feel like I stand for them. Changing the narrative in the fashion industry will always be hard but I am always down for a challenge. I also feel like I have already started by putting myself out there and showing that fashion can be expressed by everyone and anyone! Because if I could just change one person’s way of thinking about fashion that will go a long way because they can also change one person… and so on and so on.

Follow on IG @richloverockson

View the interview with Richmond Rockson

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