Target Responds: Why They Are Selling Lilly Pulitzer Plus Sizes Online Only

Target Responds: Why They Are Selling Lilly Pulitzer Plus Sizes Online Only

Mass retailer Target spoke to Refinery29 this week to respond to criticism over their announcement on Twitter that plus sizes for the new Lilly Pulitzer collection will only be available online for purchase.


Read more: Target Under Fire After Confirming New Lilly Pulitzer Collection in Plus Sizes Will Only Be Available Online

Target spokesperson Joshua Thomas spoke to Liz Black of Refinery29, explaining simply that its reasoning is all business-based.

“One thing we see with our limited-edition shoppers, shoppers who are really gravitating to these collaborations, is that they do a heavy amount of shopping online. It’s that purchase behavior of ‘Is it available yet?'”

The retailer tried selling plus sizes with the Calypso St. Barth collaboration in 2011, but those sales were poor, which led to Target making the decision to stop offering plus sizes for other collaborations until now. So they are willing to try again but are doing so online first to see how it goes:

“We’re offering [plus sizes] on because gives us an opportunity to try different things. It affords us the opportunity to be flexible in terms of our assortment, and also, keeping in mind, the last time we did this, [offered plus in a designer collaboration,] it didn’t work. We need to take a measured approach in terms of responding to the guests, because they say this is something they want to purchase; so we’re hearing the feedback, we’re seeing the feedback, and what I think is really important, we are responding to the feedback.”

So really, Target is putting the fate into the customer’s hands. You asked and they are willing to answer that call. The collection being sold online-only may not be ideal for some but this could lead to bigger and better things in-store. We hear the retailer has some big things planned for the plus size customer and we can only hope this is a step in the right direction.

It’s simple. If this collection does well online, it will show Target that perhaps it will sell well in-store too. Some would say, at least they are meeting the plus size customer halfway instead of ignoring them completely. On the other hand, some would say, that Target is segregating its plus size customer and treating them like outcasts. Shopping is a personal thing, this is true. But either way, from Target’s point of view, it’s all about business.

So what’s your opinion? How do you feel about Target and their reasoning behind selling plus sizes for Lilly Pulitzer solely online? Will you be buying from the collection? Please leave us a comment below and sound off!

Click here to read the article over at Refinery29.

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