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PMM Inspiration: Meet Kerri Davis, Former Plus Pageant Queen & Domestic Violence Advocate



Domestic Violence affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men.

It is an epidemic, and awareness needs to be spotlighted because no one should feel like they are alone or trapped.

Kerri Davis is someone who not only survived domestic violence, but she passionately advocates for victims and survivors.

As a former pageant queen, having held the dual titles of Ms. Madison County Plus America 2015 (1st runner up to Ms. Alabama Plus America), and Ms. Nevada Plus America 2015, Kerri has a strong platform speaking out against domestic violence and abuse. She effectively works in her local community by serving as a member of the Board of Directors for Crisis Services of North Alabama.

Kerri, a longtime resident of Huntsville, Alabama, is a graduate of Alabama A&M University. She is employed by NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, and holds the titles of Plus Model and Brand Ambassador for Full Figured Fierce – a locally established but globally recognized plus size women and men’s community – Kerri is currently working on adding published author to her resume, with the release of her first book entitled “Beyond Existence – The Purple Passage”.

Check out her inspirational story below:


Natasha: How did you get into pageants? 

Kerri: I was introduced to pageantry by a friend of mine, who is the Alabama State Director for the Miss Plus America Pageant System. She encouraged me to participate, so I prayed about it as I never had aspirations for pageants. I never saw myself as that “pageant girl”. What ultimately motivated me to proceed was my desire to share this platform. I knew that expanding the reach of my voice would only benefit my ability to bring awareness by sharing my story. In this opportunity, I was able to interact with civic, spiritual, and community leaders. So the pageant joined with my purpose proved to be a beautiful marriage. It created a great opportunity to talk and connect with people.

Natasha: Do you find pageants to be empowering? 

Kerri: Prior to competing, I didn’t see them as necessarily empowering. I saw them being mostly about beauty standards and poise. But after becoming personally involved, I began to see how they can empower, especially in the plus community. Many plus size women have lived with self-esteem issues and are sensitive about their appearance. But this particular pageant allows the “plus size” community as a whole, to come together and support each other. I made many new friends, with equally important platforms, businesses and life goals from across the nation. They all have stories of overcoming life challenges and gaining their voice while participating in the Miss Plus America Pageants.

Natasha: Share your story with domestic violence and abuse.


Kerri: I recall the primary incident I experienced with my ex-husband just before our second anniversary. It was a Sunday afternoon, and he started drinking after we came home from church, which irritated me. Things escalated verbally and I left for about 45 minutes. When I came back home, I began packing a bag to leave and give us space from each other for the night. He got belligerent and assumed I was going to another man’s house. He began taking my clothes out of the closet and throwing them at me, still on the hangers. He punched and kicked me, hit me in the mouth, and slammed my head on the dining room table. Scared out of my mind, I kicked and screamed to get him off of me. After chasing me into our bedroom, he then threw me on the bed and sat on top of me for 20 minutes, attempting to calm me down. When he finally got off, I ran to my car barefoot, with only my cell phone, and called my sister.

He was arrested that night but despite what he did to me, I wasn’t worried about myself or my injuries. I just didn’t want him to go to jail. I actually even got him out of jail three days later. When I initially spoke to him, rather than being remorseful, he said: “I can’t believe you let them take me to jail.”

After that ordeal, I stayed with him because I wanted my marriage to work. We went to counseling for six weeks but never talked about the physical abuse. I convinced myself it was a one-time incident that would never happen again. The physical battery never did, but for the next six years, he was able to do way more damage with his words, and his need to control and slowly isolate me. He allowed me to go to counseling years later in our marriage, but he refused to join me. That was the beginning of my self-discovery!

I heard the voice of God telling me to sever my ties to him. But because of my fear of judgment from others, the stories he would likely tell people about me, and the mind games I was sure would ensue, ending it scared the crap out of me. In the end, he left and I started to rebuild my life. When asked by my divorce attorney, I chose to keep my married name as a reminder to myself of the choices I made without talking to God.

I am thankful that my faith in God has allowed me, and my child who is now himself a man, to walk away with our lives, and start to live it more abundantly. I believe a big contributing factor to how I ended up in an abusive relationship is the fact that I did not have a relationship with my biological father. I only met him once at the age of ten. There has been a sense of loss and lack of validation by not being connected with what I feel is 50% of who I am.


Natasha: What are your sources of personal inspiration?

Kerri: I have a really strong relationship with God, and I feel that He knows me better than anyone. I trust that he will lovingly guide me into the full realization of my purpose. Connecting with others who believe that as well, gives me the daily interaction and encouragement we all find ourselves needing.

Natasha: What advice do you have for others in domestic violence?

Kerri: If you are in immediate danger, contact law enforcement and community resources in your area. Tell someone… just start talking! Know that you are not alone. You are not the only one, and there is non-judgmental assistance available to safely walk you through the entire process of freeing yourself. A happier, purpose-filled life awaits. It only takes you knowing that your life is worth more than being on the receiving end of another person’s pain, for that life to begin.

Kerri’s story is all too common these days. Her courage to share her experience as a survivor of domestic violence and abuse is one step towards creating a more open dialogue about this serious issue. The more women speak out against domestic violence, the stronger we all become. Your story may just be the strength someone needs to make a change in their life.


Natasha Nurse is a DEI professional, coach, author, podcaster, and content creator. Her vision is not just to educate but to ignite a ripple effect of change that transcends professional boundaries and instills a sense of belonging and acceptance in every interaction. Through her innovative strategies and heartening engagements, Natasha Nurse is not just a name, but a movement towards a more inclusive and understanding professional world. In addition to founding Dressing Room 8 and her solo podcast Glamour, Giggles, and Goals. Additionally, she is also the co-founder of WokeNFree, a groundbreaking podcast that is redefining the conversation on social and cultural issues. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from The Pennsylvania State University and a Juris Doctorate from New York Law School. Outside of her busy schedule, she loves enjoying the Arizona weather with her husband, young son, and pets.


Unveiling the Power of Self-Care Rituals: Insights into Mental Wellness



Unveiling the Power of Self-Care Rituals: Insights into Mental Wellness

Unveiling the Power of Self-Care Rituals: Insights into Mental Wellness…

For some of us stress seems to be an inevitable companion, and prioritizing mental health has become a crucial aspect of our lives. As the spotlight on mental wellness intensifies, individuals are increasingly turning towards self-care rituals to nurture their minds and souls. In this exploration, we delve into the realm of self-care practices, unveiling their significance in promoting mental well-being.

Self-care goes beyond pampering oneself with occasional treats; it embodies a holistic approach to nurturing our mental, emotional, and physical health. It encompasses activities that recharge our batteries, soothe our souls, and rejuvenate our spirits amidst life’s demands.

Discovering the Tapestry of Self-Care Rituals

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can help anchor our minds to the present moment, fostering a sense of calm and clarity amidst chaos.
  2. Nourishing Nutrition: Fueling our bodies with wholesome, nutritious foods not only sustains physical health but also nurtures our mental well-being. Incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into our diets can bolster our mood and energy levels.
  3. Creative Expression: Whether through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression, channeling our inner creativity can serve as a therapeutic outlet for processing emotions and fostering self-discovery.
  4. Physical Activity: Regular exercise not only benefits our physical health but also has profound effects on our mental well-being. Whether it’s a brisk walk in nature, a yoga session, or a dance class, moving our bodies can release endorphins, alleviate stress, and enhance our overall mood.
  5. Digital Detox: In an era dominated by screens and constant connectivity, unplugging from digital devices and immersing ourselves in offline activities can provide much-needed respite for our minds, allowing space for introspection and relaxation.
  6. Quality Sleep: Prioritizing adequate sleep is paramount for mental health and overall well-being. Establishing a bedtime routine, creating a restful sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques can promote restorative sleep and enhance cognitive function.

Embracing self-care rituals isn’t just about indulgence; it’s about cultivating resilience, nurturing self-compassion, and fostering a deeper connection with ourselves. By prioritizing our mental well-being and incorporating self-care practices into our daily lives, we empower ourselves to navigate life’s challenges with grace and authenticity.

As the discourse around mental health continues to evolve, integrating self-care into our collective consciousness is imperative. By embracing self-care rituals as a cornerstone of our lives, we not only prioritize our mental wellness but also contribute to the creation of a culture that values compassion, authenticity, and holistic well-being. So, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery, one self-care ritual at a time, and pave the way for a brighter, more resilient future.

In the tapestry of self-care, let us weave a masterpiece of mental wellness—one nurturing gesture, one mindful breath, and one compassionate act at a time.


What are your favorite self-care rituals? How do you prioritize mental wellness in your daily life? Join the conversation on social media and share your insights!

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Finding Balance in a Digital World: The Rise of Digital Detoxes



Finding Balance in a Digital World: The Rise of Digital Detoxes

Finding Balance in a Digital World: The Rise of Digital Detoxes

In today’s fast-paced digital age, our lives are intertwined with technology more than ever before. From smartphones to social media platforms, we are constantly connected, often finding it challenging to unplug and unwind. As people seek harmony and balance in their digital lives, discussions on unplugging, mindfulness, and digital detoxes are gaining momentum.

With the advent of smartphones and the ubiquitous presence of social media, our relationship with technology has become increasingly complex.

The Allure of Digital Detoxes

In response to this digital overload, the concept of a digital detox has emerged as a popular antidote. A digital detox involves taking a deliberate break from digital devices and platforms to recalibrate and reconnect with the present moment. It’s about reclaiming control over our time and attention, freeing ourselves from the constant barrage of screens and notifications.

One of the primary motivations behind embarking on a digital detox is to prioritize mental well-being. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression.


Tips for a Successful Digital Detox

Embarking on a digital detox may seem daunting at first, especially for those accustomed to being constantly plugged in. However, with the right approach, it can be a transformative experience. Here are some tips for a successful digital detox:

  1. Set Clear Boundaries: Establish specific times and places where digital devices are off-limits, such as during meals or before bedtime.
  2. Engage in Offline Activities: Use the time freed up from digital distractions to engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, whether it’s reading a book, practicing yoga, or going for a leisurely walk.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness by paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Engage in activities that encourage mindfulness, such as meditation, journaling, or simply savoring a cup of tea.
  4. Stay Accountable: Enlist the support of friends, family, or online communities to hold yourself accountable during your digital detox. Share your intentions and progress, and celebrate your achievements together.

In our hyper-connected world, achieving balance in our digital lives is an ongoing journey. While technology undoubtedly enriches our lives in countless ways, it’s essential to cultivate awareness and mindfulness to ensure that it enhances rather than detracts from our well-being. Digital detoxes serve as a powerful reminder to pause, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters in life. So, are you ready to unplug and embark on your digital detox journey?

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Tired of the Same Old Grind? 5 Ways to Design a Life You Love



Tired of the Same Old Grind? 5 Ways to Design a Life You Love

Stuck in a rut? Does your daily routine feel like a never-ending loop of work, eat, sleep, repeat? You’re not alone. Tons of us get caught in the daily grind, feeling more like cogs in a machine than vibrant human beings. But what if you could break free and design a life that ACTUALLY excites you?

Here’s the awesome part: you totally can! It takes a little self-discovery, some planning, and maybe a sprinkle of bravery, but crafting a fulfilling life is absolutely within your reach. Here are 5 key steps to help you ditch the hamster wheel and build a life you truly love:

1.  Find Your Spark: What Makes Your Heart Skip a Beat?

The first step is figuring out what truly lights you up. What activities make you lose track of time? What are you naturally good at and enjoy doing? Maybe it’s writing, podcasting, listening to music, exploring hidden trails, or helping others. Don’t be afraid to dust off old hobbies or explore new interests. Here are some fun ways to rediscover your passions:

  • Freewriting Frenzy: Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down anything that pops into your head – dreams, goals, activities that make you happy. Don’t judge, just let it flow!
  • Childhood Throwback: Think back to what you loved doing as a kid. Is there anything you can revive or adapt to your adult life?
  • Skill Showcase: Make a list of your skills and strengths. Are there ways to use them in a more fulfilling way?

Remember:  Identifying your passions is the bedrock for a life with meaning. Don’t underestimate the power of activities that bring you genuine joy. 



2.  Vision Board Bonanza: Paint a Picture of Your Dream Life

Now that you have a sense of your passions, let’s create a visual representation of your ideal life. Design a vision board digitally that portrays the lifestyle you dream of. It could be pictures of breathtaking landscapes, hobbies you want to try, or people who inspire you. You’ll be reminded of the amazing life you’re building every time you glance at it.

Takeaway:  Visualization is a superpower! Your vision board keeps your goals at the forefront of your mind, fueling your motivation and keeping you on track.

3.  Dream Big, Plan Smart: Setting Goals for Success

Dreaming is fantastic, but action is where the magic happens.  Take your passions and the elements of your vision board and translate them into actionable goals. Here’s where the SMART goal framework comes in handy:

  • Specific: Be laser-focused on what you want to achieve. Instead of “get healthier,” aim for “run a 5K race in 6 months.”
  • Measurable: Track your progress! Attach milestones you can measure to stay motivated.
  • Attainable: Set challenging yet achievable goals to avoid discouragement.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your overall vision and passions.
  • Time-bound: Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency and accomplishment.

Key Point:  SMART goals are your map to achieving your dreams. They break down big aspirations into manageable steps, keeping you focused and motivated. 


4.  The Power of “No”: Prioritizing What Matters Most

Living a fulfilling life often requires saying “no” more often. We all have limited time and energy. Saying “no” to things that don’t align with your goals frees up space for the things that truly matter. This could mean politely declining invitations that drain you, setting boundaries at work, or delegating tasks.

Remember, saying “no” isn’t selfish. It’s about honoring your time and prioritizing your well-being. It allows you to invest your energy strategically and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Takeaway:  Learning to say “no” empowers you to focus on what truly matters in your life. It allows you to manage your energy wisely and avoid feeling burnt out.


5.  Take Action! Embark on Your Journey with Passion and Persistence

Now it’s time for the fun part: action! Start small, and focus on implementing one or two changes at a time. Take a class related to your passion, volunteer for a cause you care about, or schedule time for a daily activity that brings you joy. Every step you take, no matter how small, moves you closer to your ideal life.

Remember, change takes time and persistence. There will be bumps in the road and moments of doubt. Never stop believing in yourself or your dreams! 


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Madeline Jones

Understanding Autism: Promoting Awareness and Support for Special Needs Families



Understanding Autism

Understanding Autism: Promoting Awareness and Support for Special Needs Families…

In recent years, the understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has significantly evolved. Once considered a rare condition, it is now recognized as one of the most prevalent developmental disorders worldwide, affecting individuals regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic background. As we observe Autism Awareness Month this April, it’s crucial to delve into what autism truly is, the significance of raising awareness, and the pivotal role of organizations in supporting individuals and families living with ASD.

What is Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder encompasses a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Each individual with autism has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, making it a spectrum disorder. Some may excel in specific areas such as mathematics, music, or art, while others may face difficulties in daily communication and social interaction.

It’s important to understand that autism is not a disease that needs to be cured but rather a neurological variation that shapes the way individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. Acceptance and inclusion are fundamental in supporting individuals with autism to thrive and reach their full potential.

The Importance of Autism Awareness

Autism awareness plays a pivotal role in fostering understanding, empathy, and acceptance within society. By raising awareness, we can debunk misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding autism, promoting a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with ASD.

Increased awareness leads to early intervention and diagnosis, which are crucial for providing tailored support and resources to individuals and families affected by autism. Early intervention programs focusing on speech therapy, behavioral therapy, and educational support can significantly improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for individuals with autism.


Organizations Supporting Special Needs Families

Numerous organizations worldwide are dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by autism. These organizations offer a wide range of services, including advocacy, education, therapy, and community support. Here are a few notable organizations making a difference:

  1. Autism Speaks: One of the largest autism advocacy organizations, Autism Speaks is committed to promoting solutions for individuals with autism and their families through advocacy, research, and support.
  2. The Autism Society: This grassroots organization provides advocacy, education, and support to individuals and families affected by autism. They also offer resources such as support groups, informational webinars, and community events.
  3. The National Autistic Society: Based in the UK, this organization provides support, information, and advocacy for individuals with autism and their families. They offer services ranging from helplines and online forums to employment support and educational resources.
  4. The Arc: While not exclusively focused on autism, The Arc advocates for and supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism. They provide a wide range of services, including housing assistance, employment support, and family advocacy.

As we commemorate Autism Awareness Month, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism and their families. Together, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of neurodiversity.

Instagram Accounts to follow:

IG @mrsspeechiep/
IG @specialneedsnetwork
IG @theautismdad/
IG @theautismconsultant/
IG @autisticprofessionalspeaker
IG @autismadvocateparentingmag/
IG @colorofautism/

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The Everyday Charm of Contemporary Poetry



The Everyday Charm of Contemporary Poetry

I love poetry! Why? Contemporary poems are more than mere collections of words.  


They are masterfully crafted symphonies of phrases that capture the emotions, images, and experiences of our lives. Most importantly, modern poetry is relatable. It’s a tapestry of individual voices woven together using free verses and abstract metaphors, giving its unique flavor. The impact of the digital age cannot be understated, as it literally transformed the stage for poets and readers alike.

Poetry holds a sacred power – a healing touch to calm the storm within us. As functional as it is beautiful, it provides relief from stress, enables deep self-expression, and acts as a mirror for self-reflection. 

via GIPHY 

The words of a poet carry wisdom and wit that can shed light on the everyday. Moreover, it provides an empathy portal, offering insights into others’ experiences captured in stark and heart-tugging lines. It serves as a creative outlet for emotions otherwise buried beneath the norm of conversation. Above all, poetry invites us to mindfulness, urging focus on rhythm, words, themes which provides a tranquil escape from the din of our busy lives.


Key Voices in Contemporary Poetry

Women Poets Shaping the Contemporary World

In honor of Women’s History Month, there are some remarkable women poets are making noteworthy contributions. Among them, individual voices like Rupi Kaur, Amanda Gorman, and Courtney Peppernell are creating ripples with their influential works. These poets traverse themes of love, identity, resistance, and feminism, creating poetic narratives that strongly resonate with women globally. Their work showcases not only emotional depth but an extraordinary linguistic prowess. The unique perspectives these women poets bring to contemporary poetry often uncloaks new dimensions in the reader’s mind. 


Creating Poetry

Have you ever written your own poetry?  



Creating your own poetry can be a transformative experience. It doesn’t just provide a therapeutic outlet for emotional expression but also serves as an enriching hobby. Simple steps such as observing your surroundings, drawing inspiration from prompts, and writing regularly can help you kickstart your poetry writing journey.

Writing your own poetry validates your personal voice and experiences. This creative process becomes a tool for introspection and self-discovery – exploring the depths of yourself and understanding your place in the world. Just as in any art form, revision and getting feedback are crucial in refining your poetic voice and developing your style. Through such feedback, you can continually improve your craft and evolve as a poet.

Making Contemporary Poetry a Part of Our Lives

If you’re still not convinced, here are 10 compelling reasons why incorporating modern poetry into your routine can lead to a more fulfilling existence:

  1. Broaden Your Heart: Poetry opens windows to diverse lives and stories, expanding your empathy. Discover the power of different perspectives to foster compassion and open-mindedness in every interaction.
  2. Spark Personal Discovery: Let poetry guide you on a voyage of self-reflection. Challenge your views, resonate with your truths, and grow in self-awareness. It’s self-evolution through verse.
  3. Soothe Your Mind: Find solace in the rhythm and reflection of poetry. It’s a therapeutic escape offering peace and mental clarity amidst life’s noise—an emotional balm for the soul.
  4. Inspires Social Change: Many modern poets address social issues, inspiring readers to think critically about the world and potentially driving societal progress.
  5. Connect with Kindred Spirits: Join the vibrant poetry community to meet others who share your passion. From readings to online forums, find your tribe and revel in the inspiration and belonging poetry brings.
  6. Cultivates Mindfulness: Poetry encourages you to live in the moment, savoring words and emotions, fostering a mindful approach to life. 
  7. Fuels Emotional Resilience: By exploring themes of struggle and triumph, poetry can bolster your resilience, providing strength in facing life’s challenges.
  8. Stimulates Intellectual Curiosity: The complexity and ambiguity of poetry ignite curiosity and encourage a deeper exploration of ideas and themes.
  9. Encourages Authentic Expression: Poetry provides a unique platform for genuine self-expression, allowing you to convey your true self and emotions.
  10. Offers Solitude in a Busy World: Reading or writing poetry can be a solitary activity that provides a necessary break from the constant connectivity of modern life.

Incorporating modern day poetry into your life opens up a world of emotional depth, intellectual stimulation, and communal connection. Whether you’re reading quietly to yourself, sharing your favorite poems with friends, or participating in poetry events, the art form offers a unique and enriching experience that can enhance your life in myriad ways.  


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New Plus Model Castings and Opportunities!



New Plus Model Castings and Opportunities!

Check out our Instagram Stories for daily opportunities and sales in your area

The world of fashion is bustling with opportunities waiting for you to seize them and PLUS Model Magazine is dedicated to bringing you the best opportunities to propel your modeling and influencer careers forward.

Check these opportunities below:

Added March 20, 2024
Model Search – Option 1 Chicago Model Search
Tuesday, March 26th from 2pm – 4PM
Ages 18+
Women 5’6 – 6’0
Men 5’11 – 6’3
856 N Damen Avenue

Added March 12, 2024
Models must be 18+
Must be in LA/OC area
Please email with digitals and/or portfolio along with measurements. They will respond if they are interested in meeting with you.

Added March 7, 2024
NYMMG In Person Open Call – BOSTON
Monday, March 11th, 12 PM -2 PM
By appt only, please email
(Address will be provided via email)

Added March 7, 2024
BK Style Foundation Casting Call for Fashion Week Brooklyn
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Location: Kings Plaza Mall 2 – 5 PM
Wear All Black

Added February 22, 2024
Casting Search – ABC & Colloff/Nicolo Casting are searching for Male 30’s – 40’s of mixed race to play a wheelchair user. Talent interested in auditioning should email a photo and contact information to

Added February 21, 2024
Hayley Elsaesser is looking for models!
No experience necessary… all ages, sizes, and looks.
Click to view more information


Added February 14, 2024
NYC Casting – Wellness Brand looking for age 40+ Men
This is a Paid Opportunity!
Click to view more information

Added February 7, 2024
J Bolin Model Casting
Ages 18+ / No Size or Height Requirement
February 24, 2024 – 10 am to 3 pm
1305 Wycliff Ave, Suite 120
Dallas, TX 75207

Added February 7, 2024
Milk Model Management
Open Call (In Person in The UK)
March 2nd and March 3rd – SAVE THE DATE!
More Information Coming Soon!

Added February 5, 2024
Natural Models LA
Submit your digitals, height, measurements, social media, and contact info to
Good Luck with your submission!

Added February 5, 2024
Curvy Kate 2024 Model Search
They are looking for fuller-bust talent (D to K Cup) to take part in their next campaign. Aspiring models are welcome to apply!
Click to view more information

Added January 13, 2024
Online Model Search – Dorothy Combs Models
DCM is looking for models in LA, Miami, and NYC. Visit the link below to learn how to enter the model search! Good luck!
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NY – Unsigned Models (Agency) Open Call
(looking for models of color)
Friday, Jan 19th 11:00 AM EST – 1:30 PM EST
Must arrive in all-black fitted clothing, no makeup or hair/lash extensions
All genders and sizes are welcome!
An access link is required and will be generated on the day of the open call.
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NY – Unsignedmodels Open Call
Friday, Jan 19th
No Height Requirement – you must wear all black, no makeup or lashes
All genders and sizes welcome
You must be 18+
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Added Jan 11, 2024
NY – Natural Models NY Open Casting
They are looking for all sizes and ethnicities and must be in and around NY. Please read the submission guidelines BEFORE submitting.
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Added Jan 10, 2024
NY – The Bigger Picture: Big +Tall Model Contest
The Big Boys are coming through! Mark your calendars Feb 10th @thebiggerpicturelive is setting the stage and creating the spotlight for Big & Tall fashion.

Added Jan 10, 2024
NY – NYFW Curve
CASTING ALERT! Ready to shine? NYFW Curve is on the hunt for sensational plus-size models to grace the NYFW stage on Friday, February 9th! Calling all body types, shades, and identities – your uniqueness is our strength.
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Added Jan 4, 2024
PA – Dreamwalk is Back!
DreamWalk is an inclusive runway show with musical performances giving people of all shapes, ages, ethnicities, sexualities, & abilities the chance to shine on stage and share their stories with the world. The event will take place at the Performance Art Theater + Restaurant, Fabrika on Sat, February 24, 2024 from 1 – 3pm in Philadelphia, PA.
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Added Jan 4, 2024
The Bigger Picture: Big +Tall Model Contest
THE BIGGER PICTURE  is a Consulting & Creative Management Agency that advocates size inclusivity for men’s fashion.
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Taking Shape GIVEAWAY!
All Aboard! WIN a Cruise Holiday worth up to $9,000
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Virtual Model Call for Project ZED
December 7th during Miami Art Basel powered by Miami Swim Week®
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Good American Open Casting
In-person and digital casting
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Check out our Instagram Stories for daily opportunities and sales in your area

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