Modeling 101: Can I Be Signed To More Than One Agency?

Can I Be Signed To More Than One Agency?

Can I Be Signed To More Than One Agency? Are you an aspiring plus-size model? Would you like to know more about how to break into the plus modeling world? Then this Modeling 101 feature is for you!

I’m a signed model in New York City and I love the agency I’m with. With all this being said, I would like to explore being represented by other agencies in other markets. How does this work?

Generally speaking, if you are already signed, you should be speaking to your agency about them “placing” you with other agencies in other markets. The reason for this is:

  1. Your agency already has relationships with other agencies and will be able to present you to them.
  2. It’s a good way to foster good relations with your agency.

How agencies work together: If you are signed with a New York City agency, when you are placed with another agency, New York City will most likely remain off-limits to the new agency. This means any client from outside of NYC is open for bookings with both agencies. If the new agency gives you a booking (outside of NYC), the agency will have to pay the “mother” agency a percentage of your booking. This means less money in your pocket but if the new agency has a further reach than your mother agency, then it may be worth it.

Talk to your agency about your career and development and try to come up with a plan that feels right. Set goals for yourself and ask for feedback from your agent and industry people you may know. This will all help you make the right decision.

For more plus modeling advice and tips, please visit the following links on the blog in our Modeling section:

How to Be a Plus-Size Model

How To Get Started In Plus-Size Modeling

To see past Modeling 101 questions and answers, click here.

Learn more about Madeline Jones

Photography: Luke Jones for the October 2015 issue of PMM // Model: Michelle Punzone of MSA Models