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She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House

Ageless Style

She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House



Ageless Style feature, Margeaux House…

Life is unpredictable and sometimes it takes many twists and turns for you to meet your passion. This is the case for our ‘Ageless Style’ featured guest Margeaux House. She’s been named one of the Top Yogis of Color by and and has devoted her life to sharing wellness and light into the world.

We may live in a society that defines success based on social media numbers but this powerhouse is doing the work and changing lives.

She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House
Dress- Johanne Ortiz x HM, Earrings-Jennifer Fisher
Opening: Sweater and Skirt-Ulla Johnson, Coat-Acne Studio, Boots-Stuart Weitzman, Sunglasses Louis Vuitton, Earrings-Jennifer Fisher

Tell us a little about yourself. 

I am a yoga instructor, motivational speaker, lifestyle blogger, and have also enjoyed a successful career in the interior design industry for over 25 years. After embarking on a wellness journey in 2017 I launched the lifestyle blog ‘This Curvy World’, as a creative outlet to showcase my passion for beauty, personal style, wellness, and design. My goal was to encourage people to live their best life and build a community created to inspire and promote self-love, body-positivity, and fitness at any size. My message is meant to remove the stereotypes around what wellness, beauty, fitness, and self-love look like. 

What is your morning routine and how has life changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began?

Every morning starts with coffee first.  I am a ‘French Press’ girl so while the water is boiling I open the curtains and blinds and talk to all of my plants.  I typically start my days with some form of movement whether yoga, pilates, or a bike ride in the park.  I find that if I don’t get my movement in the morning it won’t happen.  I am a super-social person with lots of energy and I love a good routine but those things have been severely altered since COVID-19.  I don’t think I have ever sat down as much as I have over the last 8 months.  I miss my pre-pandemic life but I am doing what I can to create new routines and the movement that keeps me feeling well.

I’ve personally taken one of your Yoga classes and it was amazing. Have you always been in the Yoga space? What was your journey into wellness?

 I have struggled with my weight my entire life… my mom was dragging me to Weight Watchers when I was 10. I had gained and lost very large amounts of weight over the years but never kept them off for any longer than a few months. I also grew up in a time were body positivity was not promoted and because I grew up in an area that was not ethnically diverse… and I am mixed race… the only examples of beauty and what a woman’s body should look like that I saw were the models in the magazines or actresses on TV… and none of them looked like me. Subsequently, I spent my entire youth hating my body and trying to manipulate it to an unattainable version of what society thought I should look like. 

2016 was the first time in my life my weight had become a health concern. At the time I was at my highest weight (well over 300lbs) and my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic.  It really shook me, I was scared and realized I needed to do something and I needed to do it NOW… things went from wanting to be skinny to wanting to be healthy… and I didn’t really know what that meant because I still associated skinny with healthy like I couldn’t have one without the other.  

I knew I would have to do something different, to make a permanent change.   I would need to examine myself honestly to get to the root of the problem, however difficult that would be.  Why was it that I kept repeating this cycle? Yes, genetics were involved, I’m not built like a small person, but there were clearly emotional issues that I was ignoring, and I had to get moving again in some capacity.


My husband had been practicing hot yoga for a while and was really enjoying it.  He and another friend of ours kept telling me to try it, but I had tried yoga several times before, and wasn’t interested… the only way I ever lost weight was if I was punishing myself in the gym. Funny though how things work. I changed the route I take going into the city every morning and I started to notice Sacred Studio in my neighborhood; I never even knew it was there. I must have passed it every morning for a month before I went in. Something about it just looked different than the other studios I tried before, so I figured… all right let me check it out and give Yoga one more try. 

She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House
Coat-Eloqui, Blouse-Dolce & Gabanna, Sunglasses-Louis Vutiion, Earrings-Jennifer Fisher, Boots-Stuart Wetizman

I walked into my first class at Sacred Brooklyn on New Year’s Day, in an old baggy T-shirt and black leggings as if nobody would see my size behind this uniform.  I took a spot in the back corner of the room because I couldn’t even touch my toes.  I have a type-A personality and always need to do everything perfectly, so I certainly didn’t want anyone to see me struggling through the class. I got myself settled and looked around the room and immediately… I felt something different from all the other places I had been… and quickly realized it was the energy.  The people were all of different shapes and sizes, ages, and ethnic backgrounds. 

Francine who was teaching the class was a black woman which is something I had not seen in the Yoga community and she was so full of light.  I will never forget how she started the class with…

“Take a look at yourself in the mirror and thank yourself for showing up for yourself today.  Let go of any judgment, don’t fix your hair or your clothes, just give yourself a smile and thank yourself for showing yourself self- love today”. 

I realized…nobody here was judging me this was a supportive space, they were here to support each other and me.  The teacher helped me with blocks and adjustments, without making me feel like I was out of place. Her energy was such that whatever she was doling out… I was drinking the cool-aid. I struggled through that first class and in the end, I looked at myself in the mirror and cried. I thought… I think I may have found something here.  I went back the next day, and the next, and the next. 

After a few weeks, I started to venture out to other teachers, and I began to practice 5 days a week, and not because I was feeling manic as I would in the past if I missed a day at the gym but because I was feeling… lighter, freer, more relaxed, more in control.  For the first time in my life, I wasn’t focused on every little bite of food or calorie that I was putting in my mouth, and I was losing weight and by the end of that year, I had released over 80lbs.

In 2019 I did my Yoga teacher training as I wanted to be an advocate for yoga for all bodies and hold space for others like me who otherwise would not feel like they belonged in the yoga or wellness space.


You are an advocate for wellness at any size. Many people (including myself) were very afraid to work out or even take a Yoga class. Can you talk about wellness for those that are just unsure about how to start and the positive things that come with movement? 

I used to look at fitness as something I had to do in order to eat something.  I would work out with the sole purpose of losing weight.  Over the last few years, I don’t look at movement as a punishment for what I have eaten but as an act of self-care.  I am not chasing a number on the scale that feels comfortable for others but what feels good for me. 

As someone who has battled depression in the past, I find movement helps to keep me feeling well and happy.  Wellness and fitness are two different things.  There are 7 layers of wellness with the physically just being one of them.  People will often look at a smaller person and just assume that they are in shape or “well” and a larger person and assume they are not but that is simply not true. Wellness is different for every person and every body. 

I would say try different movement classes and see what you really enjoy doing.  If you are moving in a way that feels enjoyable for your body you are more likely to make it part of your daily routine and it will ultimately become a part of your lifestyle.  

She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House
Top-Rachel Comey, Jumpsuit-Ella Moss, Shoes-Stuart Weitzman, Belt-Gucci, Bag-Valentino, Earring-Jennifer Fisher

One of the things you often talk about is ‘healing’ and that it’s an ongoing process. Can you share about how healing is part of our journey to wellness?

Many people are afraid to heal because their entire identity is wrapped around the trauma that they have experienced. They have no idea who they are outside of the trauma and that unknown can be terrifying. I was guilty of this myself for so many years but was never able to identify what it was until a few years ago.

My whole life I never hid the fact that I was adopted, in fact, I shared my story very openly. But it wasn’t until a few years back when I started my wellness journey that I was honest enough with myself to identify the trauma that I had experienced as a child and how it was affecting my life.   I began to realize that my fear of abandonment, low self-worth, and lack of showing up for myself consistently all stemmed from my being adopted. I had never really taken the time before to talk to my 3-year-old self.  To give that little girl a hug or the extra love and tenderness she deserved.   I simply powered through life in a bold way and swept under the rug the hurt and shame I had felt from being given away.  

We all carry the baggage of childhood trauma with us in some way shape or form, and as we grow older we have new traumas that can add to the bags we have already been carrying.  Often when we sweep things under the rug these past traumas show themselves in other areas of our lives.  It could be bad relationship choices, addictions or a myriad of things.  Once we begin to understand this we can begin the healing process and do the work to let go of those bags and change our lives.


Healing is an ongoing and often painful process, but we cannot let the fear of who we are without our trauma dictate the way we move through life.  We owe it to ourselves to find the courage to heal ourselves and move on to a happier healthier place.

Let’s chat a little about your style… I LOVE to see what you wear when you are practicing but also, and maybe even more so, when you are not. Your style is so chic… how would you describe your style aesthetic?  

I would say my style is boho chic and believe that what you wear on the outside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside.

Shopping is most definitely my happy place (especially a good sample sale) and I enjoy being creative with what I wear. My closet is filled with lots of midi skirts and maxi dresses which I love to nip in the waist with a great belt.  I put a lot of time and energy into my wardrobe and prefer to buy quality pieces that will last a long time but fill in with less expensive things for on-trend pieces. I don’t subscribe to trends. Sure, I want to be fashionable, but I also want to be timeless and am very aware of what looks good on my body type. So, I do my best to buy clothes that highlight my shape not just what is in style. 

I love to play with pattern, color, and texture and am all about layering patterns and bold color. If I do wear a neutral color it needs to be something with an interesting texture. Typically I’m drawn to clothes with a lot of movement or a beautiful drape and really love something unusual as I don’t like seeing other people in my outfit. 

You will rarely catch me in a blazer or a suit, although I have a hard time saying no to a fabulous coat and believe they should be a major investment piece.  Think about it sometimes in the winter your coat is your entire outfit so it better be fierce!  


What would you say to 21-year-old Margeaux about life? 

Stop trying to conform to who others think you should be or what you should do.  Just continue to be you. Stop being so hard on yourself.  You are enough and you have always been enough and you will always be enough.  Whatever happens, you will be ok. 

She Found Her Passion by Taking One Single Step, Meet Wellness Advocate Margeaux House

How do you describe success? 

Success to me is coming to a place with yourself where you feel at peace, at ease, content and fulfilled. That can look different for everyone.  It’s not about money or things but about being truly happy.

What is your advice to anyone looking to begin taking virtual yoga classes? What should you look for in an instructor and what can you expect? 

It can feel defeating to take a class and feel like you don’t know what you are doing or can’t keep up so if you have never tried yoga before or are just not that familiar with the asanas, I would strongly suggest taking a few beginner classes so that you can have an understanding of the postures. It is hard enough to get the hang of it in a physical classroom where the teacher can offer hands-on adjustments but the virtual thing makes it even more difficult. 

Also, there are so many different types of yoga so do a little investigative work to see which style you may enjoy the most. If you don’t like the style of one teacher try another not every vibe is for everyone but there are so many wonderful teachers out there. 

Most importantly always remember there is no such thing as perfect in yoga that is why they call it a practice.  No two yogis will ever look the same in the same posture, because no two bodies are the same. No matter how many years you have been practicing every day will be different because your body changes every day. It is your practice, everything the instructor is saying is just an invitation so take what you need and leave what you don’t. 

Slow down the pace if you need or take a moment of pause if you need, just meet yourself where you are at.  


Can you tell everyone where to follow you and anything that you have coming up? 

  • You can follow me on IG @thiscurvyworld subscribe to the blog on my website
  • Coming up November 15th I will be leading a free 2-hour “Yoga for people who don’t do yoga”  workshop with Sacred Brooklyn @sacredbrooklyn
  • December 6th I will be kicking off a 4-week “Yoga for Beginners” Workshop also with Sacred Brooklyn @sacredbrooklyn and sponsored by Athleta NYC @athletanyc
  • You can catch me every Monday at 6 pm Vinyasa Flow with @thefitinbedstuy and Thursdays at 5:30 pm Vinyasa Flow 2ith @sacredbrooklyn

PLUS Model thanks Margeaux House for sharing her inspiring story. [divider]PHOTO CREDITS[/divider]

Photographer for Margeaux House
Marie Lombardo
IG @the.ellle

Madeline Jones is the Editor-in-Chief of PLUS Model Magazine. "PMM brings you the fashion you love and closer to the models and influencers you admire." She is a sought-after industry influencer called upon by the top plus brands to collaborate on marketing opportunities.

Ageless Style

Unveiling Chic Delights: My Latest Fashion Finds at Ashley Stewart



Unveiling Chic Delights: My Latest Fashion Finds at Ashley Stewart
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Unveiling Chic Delights: My Latest Fashion Finds at Ashley Stewart

Hola, fashionistas! I recently went on a fabulous shopping spree at Ashley Stewart, and let me tell you, I hit the jackpot! From trendy ensembles to timeless classics, my haul is bursting with style, and I can’t wait to spill the deets. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew and join me on this virtual fashion runway.

1. Sassy and Classy: The Power of a Little Black Dress

First up, let’s talk about the little black dress I snagged. It’s not just a garment; it’s an attitude. Versatile and oh-so-chic. Whether it’s a date night or a night out with the squad, this dress has become my go-to choice for instant glam.

2. Jumping in Style: The Perfect Jumpsuit

Jumpsuit shopping can be a struggle, but Ashley Stewart made it a breeze. I found so many jumpsuits in various fabrications and styles. Comfortable enough for a Netflix marathon and stylish enough for a weekend adventure, these jumpsuits are a game-changer.
Trust me; you need one, two, or three of these in your life.

3. Flaunt Your Curves: Tunic Style

Who says curvy girls can’t rock bold silhouettes? Not Ashley Stewart! I stumbled upon a stunning tunic with a waist embellishment that scream confidence. It’s a statement piece that turns heads and starts conversations. Pair it with jeans or a skirt, and you’re ready to conquer the world, one fashionable step at a time.

Unveiling Chic Delights: My Latest Fashion Finds at Ashley Stewart

4. Outside The Fashion Box: Wearable Luxury

Let’s not forget about shopping on a budget! Perfect for the holidays and any event, this gorgeous asymmetrical faux leather dress is both stylish and budget-friendly. I added an Ashley Stewart belt and bag and fun accessories to complete my look.

Tips for a Seamless Ashley Stewart Shopping Experience:

Now, let’s dive into some tips to make your Ashley Stewart shopping spree even more delightful:

1. Sign Up for Exclusive Offers: Don’t miss out on the latest deals! Sign up for Ashley Stewart’s newsletter to receive exclusive offers, discounts, and early access to sales.

2. Size Matters: Check the Size Guide: To ensure a perfect fit, always refer to the size guide provided on the website. It takes the guesswork out of online shopping and guarantees that your new pieces will fit like a dream.

3. Mix and Match for Versatility: One of the perks of shopping at Ashley Stewart is the mix-and-match potential of their pieces. Experiment with different combinations to create multiple looks from a few key items.


There you have it – my fashion finds and top tips for a stellar Ashley Stewart shopping experience. Now, it’s your turn to explore and curate your own stylish collection. Happy shopping!
Visit your local store or shop

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Ageless Style

Style Uncompromised With BAACAL Designer and Founder Cynthia Vincent



Style Uncompromised With BAACAL Designer and Founder Cynthia Vincent

In a world where the fashion industry has often adhered to rigid ideals of beauty, Cynthia Vincent stands as a trailblazer, challenging conventions and fostering a sense of belonging for individuals of all shapes and sizes.

Cynthia Vincent designs celebrate the beauty of diversity and cater to a wide range of body types, breaking free from the restrictive norms that have for so long defined the runway.

Get to know BAACAL Designer and Founder Cynthia Vincent…

Can you tell us about the ethos and inspiration behind your fashion brand? What drove you to create it, and what values does it represent?”

“Style Uncompromised”  is the entire ethos of BAACAL distilled down to its core.  Style, quality, thoughtful and sustainable. 

Style is something you have or evolve as you better understand yourself. Clothing is one if the most powerful tools to express who you are and how you present yourself to the world.  

Quality, Style and Sustainability are interconnected for me. 

Beautifully made clothes can last a lifetime, if the design and style last past a trend cycle.  

In a competitive market, what sets your brand apart from others in the plus-size fashion industry? How do you differentiate yourself, both in terms of style and messaging?”

BAACAL is really the first designer-led brand for Plus, Extended, and Curvy sizes.  


 As a CFDA Designer, I want to give more women the ability to wear clothes that fit and flatter. I don’t really know of another brand that is offering beautifully made, expertly fit clothes past a size 8 that are stylish enough to last for years not just a trend cycle. Especially not from a brand that is also concerned with ethical and sustainable practices.

Could you share some insights into the design philosophy of your brand? How do you ensure that your clothing not only looks great but also caters to the unique needs and preferences of plus-size individuals?”

The philosophy is: Modern wardrobe essentials mixed with the item of the season. 

For me, it is important to see what is missing in the market and offer it to her. Items I too am often needing and wanting.  When I first launched BAACAL it was December – and I wanted to prove a point so I offered Coats!  I did that because I was always looking for a new coat in November- December and they were always gone by then.  I realized I could not be the only person.  My hunch paid off. We sold out. The Double-Breasted Car Coat, and in Spring the Trench coat, have been perennial sellouts for us every year since. 

For BAACAL it’s about building an amazing wardrobe that you can pull from and always know you will look and feel good.  

That’s the essentials like the Car Coat, our Tie Neck Dress or the Perfect White Shirt. It’s also items of the season that hit the trends while still being timeless. Like our iconic Joni Dress – which started as the Item of the Season, but now we do a few new cotton prints each year and our customers collect them. She does this because she knows whenever she reaches for it, she will feel fantastic. 

Fashion is often about self-expression. How does your brand empower individuals to express themselves through their style, regardless of their size?”

I love fashion and trends and creativity. I think self-expression through clothing is not trivial. It is vital to our well-being. 


When I am designing and creating a garment, the most important thing besides looking beautiful is how it feels.  Because when you feel and look amazing it is empowering!  We have all had those days when you have an amazing outfit on, but something is just not right. Then you are pulled out of the moment – forced to deal with a strap or adjust something. You just don’t feel great because it does not fit right.  

As women past a size 10 we have been used to settling on fit, settling on what little choices were out there and being unable to fully express ourselves.  There are so many brands and clothes out there – but not for women past a certain size.  

Longevity and sustainability are important aspects of the fashion industry today. What are your long-term goals for the brand in terms of sustainability and ethical practices?”

When I decided to start again in this Industry I had to ask myself two very important questions: 1) Does anyone really need any more clothes;  and  How do we be more mindful of everything we put into this world? 

The first question was answered with a resounding YES when I had my a-ha moment. I was not able to find anything to wear for a very important meeting with an Icon of fashion. After spending countless hours and many many try-ons later, I realized I could not find beautiful clothes for myself that were both well-made and stylish. 

I knew I had to start a new brand for women who have been ignored in Fashion, we actually need clothes! 

But what about the waste? 


I had seen firsthand the enormous amount of waste in our industry and even resistance to just recycling  

Thank goodness now almost everyone is aware. That said, BAACAL is made with a commitment to be 80% sustainable. We use upcycled materials, stock and deadstock fabric and trims. We source and produce the majority of what we offer locally and use women-owned small businesses that we pay a living wage to. We are committed to reducing waste wherever possible.

Could you elaborate on the size inclusivity of your brand? Who is your target audience, and how do you ensure that your clothing appeals to a diverse range of body types and tastes?”

I take great care to cross-fit on many different body types as I’m developing my designs. I also offer styles that fit in a certain way and use techniques that are size inclusive such as smocking and adjustability. 

The BAACAL woman is anyone with a discerning taste who cares about quality. They are usually at a point in their style evolution that they want to build a wardrobe that will last for years to come. 

When I decided to launch BAACAL I did my research to back up what I already knew – that larger women were being systematically ignored in designer and contemporary fashion.  That the average American woman was a size 16/18. That size 10 and 12 were always the first to sell out in my past brands Vince and Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent.  Despite these fact, stores would not buy them. So, I took the majority size and went equally up and down the scale, creating our current 1-5 sizing. 


Inclusivity and diversity have become central themes in fashion. How does your brand actively promote these values, both in your designs and in your marketing strategies?”

Inclusivity has been a part of my design ethos my entire career.

As a Latina woman, most people assume I am not. I have seen firsthand how most “other groups” have been ignored for far too long. It was important to me from day one to show diverse images of women that you do not normally see in fashion.  That includes age, size and race. 

Collaborations and partnerships can be powerful in the fashion industry. Have you collaborated with influencers or other brands to promote body positivity and inclusivity? If so, could you share some examples?”

We are always looking for new people and brands to collaborate with.  Collaboration is the modern approach. One of the most amazing things that’s evolved in the last decade is the democratization of fashion- I love seeing how influencers we dress create their looks from our clothing. We try to fill as many requests as we can because BAACAL seems to be a favorite for fashion week content!

Body positivity is a key message in the plus-size fashion community. How does your brand contribute to this movement, and what initiatives have you undertaken to support and uplift plus-size individuals?”

While we participate in many local events here for our plus-size community, I think one thing that I really can do is help women learn to express themselves through clothing. There is starting to be a fantastic shift in the dialogue, and the resource of our communal voice is so powerful. I love seeing women of all ages being proud of their beautiful selves and remember that not so long ago those voices barely existed. Still, I hear so often “I can’t wear that” or “That’s not for me”- coming from a buried experience, and a place of shame or insecurity. I want to scrub that from our language. The reason many people feel they “can’t” is because they’ve been told that by the lack of options at stores; or by trying designs that aren’t properly constructed for our beautiful shapes. I speak through my design and want to embrace and empower our community in the best ways possible.

Could you describe a memorable success story or transformation that one of your customers experienced through your brand? How does this reflect the impact of your clothing and message?”

I am very fortunate to have customers who share how much they love the brand with me once they discover it. One that really touched me was a woman who had not purchased a single item of clothing for herself in 18 years! Because she had given up on fashion! She purchased our Joni dress to wear to her son’s wedding with the hopes of having something appropriate. 

She shared with me how my dress helped her look and feel amazing at the event and how beautiful she felt.  Not only did she get compliments all night (she was the mother of the Groom after all) but when 3 total strangers complimented her on her dress. She thanked me for making a dress that could make her feel truly beautiful for the first time in decades. 

Looking ahead, what exciting developments or collections can your customers look forward to from your brand in the near future?”

I am most excited by two things right now: More upcycled pieces, and bringing my collection to women in person.  I am working on a project that will allow people to feel, try on and fall in love with the clothes!   **?Three things?? Live selling is something I’ve just started to play with- it’s almost like a new version of the boutique experience of the “old days”. Communicating with the customer to explain multiple ways to wear garments, helping her experiment with fashion and engaging in a direct dialogue about how we can use clothing to reflect the way we want to be seen in the world.


Follow and Shop BAACAL 

Facebook @baacalclothing
Instagram. @baacalofficial
Click Here to Shop

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Ageless Style

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month In Style – Partner



As a special needs family celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is very important to me.

As a special needs family celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is very important to me.

We talk about our culture and traditions and we celebrate all those who have made contributions to the world we live in today and how we will leave our very own footprints for the generations to come.

As we enter a new season I’m excited to be able to share my love for fashion and Hispanic pride with my daughter alongside my friends at Lane Bryant.

A brand that continues to celebrate diversity and inclusion and allows us to be seen regardless of where we come from our size or ability.

Celebrate your individual style with fall’s most beautiful fashion options at Lane Bryant.

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month from our family to yours.

Follow Madeline:
Instagram & TikTok @plusjones
Facebook @MadelineFJones

Photos by LucasPictures

Madeline Jones is a content creator and was personally compensated in agreement with this campaign. All opinions are her own.

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Ageless Style

Fabulous and Fall-Ready: Plus Size Fashion in the Workplace



Fabulous and Fall-Ready: Plus Size Fashion in the Workplace
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Fabulous and Fall-Ready: Plus Size Fashion in the Workplace…

It’s time to update your work wardrobe to embrace the beauty of fall. Plus-size fashion has come a long way in recent years, with an increasing focus on inclusivity and style. In this post, we’ll explore fabulous and fall-ready workwear options, while also shedding light on some essential plus-size fashion statistics to highlight the industry’s growth and importance.

Plus Size Fashion Statistics:

Before diving into the world of plus-size fall fashion, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the impressive strides this industry has made:

  1. Market Growth: Plus-size fashion is a thriving market, with a global market value expected to reach $157.4 billion by 2026, according to Grand View Research.
  2. Inclusivity: More brands are embracing inclusivity, with a 68% increase in the number of new brands offering plus-size options in 2020, as reported by Edited.
  3. Consumer Demand: A survey by NPD Group found that 67% of women in the U.S. wear a size 14 or larger, indicating a substantial demand for plus-size clothing.

Now, let’s explore how you can create a fabulous and fall-ready workwear wardrobe that not only fits comfortably but also makes you feel confident and chic.

Fall-Ready Plus-Size Workwear Essentials

  1. Statement Blazers: A well-fitted blazer is a must-have in any work wardrobe. Opt for fall-appropriate colors like deep burgundy, forest green, or classic black. Blazers add sophistication to your outfit and can be paired with dresses, skirts, or trousers.
  2. High-Waisted Trousers: High-waisted trousers are incredibly popular among plus-size influencers. Look for warm, autumnal shades like camel, rust, or olive green. These pants can be styled with blouses, sweaters, or tucked-in tops for a polished look.
  3. Wrap Dresses: Wrap dresses are universally flattering and perfect for transitioning between seasons. Choose wrap dresses in rich, fall hues and pair them with tights and ankle boots for added warmth and style.
  4. Chunky Sweaters: Fall is synonymous with cozy sweaters. Invest in chunky knit sweaters in colors that complement your skin tone. These can be paired with skirts or pants for a comfortable yet stylish office look.
  5. Ankle Boots: A good pair of ankle boots can elevate any outfit. Choose versatile neutral shades or go for something bold like animal prints to add a pop of personality to your work attire.
  6. Accessories: Don’t forget to accessorize! A statement necklace, a stylish belt, or a patterned scarf can instantly transform your outfit and make it suitable for the office.

Fall is a wonderful season to showcase your style at the workplace, and plus-size fashion has never been more vibrant and inclusive. Embrace the season by adding statement blazers, high-waisted trousers, wrap dresses, and cozy sweaters to your work wardrobe. With the growth of the plus-size fashion industry, there are plenty of fabulous options available for every body type. Remember, confidence is the key to looking and feeling fabulous, no matter what size you wear.

Light Ponte Double Breasted Relaxed Blazer
Avail in two colors
Sizes 10 – 30

Pleated Trouser Pant
Sizes 12 – 28

Blouson-Sleeve Shawl-Collar Wrap Dress
Sizes 14 – 28

Puff Sleeve Chunky Sweater
Size 14 – 28

Size 5 – 12

Layered Gold Tone Chain Belt
Size 1X – 4X

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Ageless Style

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later



Plus Size Barbie Looks we Love
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YES! Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

It looks like we will be wearing “Barbie” pink and similar styles for a long time to come and we are loving the new plus size barbie options we can wear now and pair up with what’s already in our closet for months to come.

Check out PLUS Model Magazine’s social media @plusmodelmag for more options!

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Only Curve puff sleeve wrap midi dress in bright pink
Size 12 – 22

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

ASOS LUXE Curve embroidered organza top with ring detail in pink – part of a set
Size 12 – 26

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

ASOS LUXE Curve gem encrusted mini dress with pearl embellishment & scalloped hem in pink
Size 12 – 26

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Boudoir Strappy Bodysuit
Size 10 – 30

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Babydoll Rayon Slub Surplice Lace Trim Cami
Size 10 – 30

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Midi Mesh Shirred Bodycon Dress
Size 10 – 30

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Flowy Chiffon Halter Top
Size 0X – 3X

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

Sheer Lace Bodysuit
Size 10 – 28

Plus Size Barbie Looks To Wear Now and Later

LIVI High-Rise Wicking Bike Short
Size 10 – 40

Size 12 – 26

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Ageless Style

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!



Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!
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Plus Size Barbie Looks…

Seems like we are living in a Barbie world and plus-size consumers do not want to be left out.
We have 12 fabulous Barbie-inspired fashion items you must check out… even a plus size Barbie Bride look YOU WILL LOVE!

* More Barbie-inspired items on our Facebook Page and Instagram Stories

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Nobody’s Child Plus Luna jacquard spot midi dress
4 interest-free payments of $24.00
Size 16 – 20

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Curve glitter beach cover up with ring detail
4 interest-free payments of $10.75
Size 12 – 26

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Cupped mini dress with blouson sleeve
4 interest-free payments of $21.50
Size 12 – 26

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

3.5 Inch Pull-On Studio Refined Crepe High-Rise Asymmetrical Skort
On Sale! $32.43
Size 1X – 6X

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Lace Embroidered Mesh Babydoll Set
Only $19.99
Size 1X – 3X

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Strapless Embellished Tulle Dress
4 payments of $17.38
Size 18 – 36

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Fitted Cami Bodysuit
Size 14 – 26

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Microfiber Jumpsuit
30% Off
Size  10 – 28

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

LIVI V-Neck Ruched-Front Top
Size 10 – 40

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

LIVI Crossbody Bag
30% Off

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Eyelet Off The Shoulder Dress
Size 14 – 28

Plus Size Barbie Looks We Love!

Bridal by ELOQUII Mixed Tulle Gown
Payment Options Avail
Size 14 – 20

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