10 Ways to Up Your Self-Love Game

10 Ways to Up Your Self-Love Game

Up Your Self-Love Game!

During this time of year, it is very common to see content about celebrating love. However, to really love someone else, you need a strong foundation of self-love. Let’s talk about 10 ways to up your self-love game! 

#1 Never stop learning something new about yourself  


You are constantly growing and evolving. If you stop discovering new aspects about yourself, you are doing an injustice to YOU! 

#2 Do your homework 



There are a ton of books on personal development that you can read every month as a part of your own self-love journey. Here are some of my book recommendations to help you get started! 

#3 Create personal mantras  



Personal mantras are the BEST! Come up with phrases that uplift, empower, and motivate you to show up for yourself each and every day.  

#4 Let go of the past  


We walk around with things that no longer serve us. The past is behind you. Forgive those who have wronged you and move on. When you focus on the here and now, you are better equipped to create the life you want for yourself. 

#5 Treat yourself like a loved one 



When we are willing to move mountains for our loved ones, we need to do the same for ourselves. The better we are to ourselves, the more we can give to our loved ones.  

#6 Ignore the negative self-talk  


“According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,00 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before and about 80% negative. What we tell ourselves on an ongoing basis reflects not only the way we think but how we feel and act.” (Psychology Today) Ultimately, it is up to you to ignore those negative thoughts taking up space in your mind!  

#7 Prioritize your health



Recently, I have been dealing with severe back pain. What did I do? I saw a doctor and have been doing physical therapy to strengthen my back and having massages to loosen my tight muscles. I could have ignored the problem and hoped that the problem would magically go away. But that could have made things a lot worse. By prioritizing my health, I can be a better mom, DEI Professional, coach, podcaster, and wife. Life is too short not to properly take care of yourself. 

#8 Stop caring what other people think  


You only have control over yourself. People may or may not agree with you or even like you. So, what! Be too busy enjoying your life to care about other people’s opinions.

#9 Make time for self-reflection 


Taking time to self-reflect, allows you to apply strategy to your life decisions. This time is sacred for your mind, body, and soul!  

#10 Appreciate every victory 



Every victory is fuel to propel you towards the next victory. Recognize and appreciate every victory on your self-love journey. Keep up the good work!