PMM Inspiration: What will the next season of your life bring?

next season

It’s hard to believe that Labor Day is approaching and summer will officially be over.

Personally, this has been one of the busiest summers of my life. But it will all soon be behind me. So what will Fall bring?

For me, I am making a conscious decision to drop the “busy” and make a pledge to usher in a new season in my life with a focus on the things I’ve previously ignored, but will not anymore.

Here are 5 highlights of the next few months for me. I hope this inspires you to reflect on the season that’s coming to an end and usher in a new season into your life as well, filled with more joy and growth.


#1: Me Time – Work and no play leaves us feeling depleted and slightly lost. Take it from me (lifelong workaholic), you should never feel guilty about relaxing or taking the time to celebrate you. If you love reading books, going to the movies, or trying a new bottle of wine – then do it all! There is always time for you to indulge in something you love each and everyday.

#2: Girl Time – If you miss the long conversations with your girls over drinks, or going shopping, or just having a phone call with your best friend, then make it a priority! If you don’t schedule friend time into your calendar, then it’s easy to forget to reach out; don’t let those you care about drift away. Enjoying your life with the ones that you love provides a more fulfilling life. Treat yourself to some girl time whenever possible 🙂


#3: Celebrate Love – Don’t make the mistake of not celebrating the love you do have in your life. When’s the last time you had a date night or a deeper conversation with your other half? We often take the ones who matter most to us for granted, assuming they will always be there when we’re ready to come around. This doesn’t happen. It’s important to remember to foster and grow the love we do have, as it will require work and time just like anything worthwhile in life. Celebrate love whenever possible, even if it means being late for work occasionally.


#4: Charity – I never feel better than when I donate to a charity. We are not isolated islands in this world. We are all connected someway or somehow. So, giving back shouldn’t be some after thought. Charity should be always on our mind and in our world. We have to be the change we want to see in this world. A part of that is helping others (people and animals alike).


#5: Stepping out of your comfort zone – Have you done something bold or daring recently? If not, when will you start? Sometime when you are done living life? Responsibility and caution are good and necessary. But, life is full of the unexpected. You should definitely be open to switching things up and adding a couple crazy fun excursions in your life.


#6: Planning for the future YOU want – What do you want to happen? New job or venture? Possibly thinking about making a life change? Whatever it is, how are you planning for it? Everything good in life takes planning, strategy, and hard work. So, make sure you invest in YOU to make what you want in life!

As a September baby, I always love when Fall comes around. Since I am celebrating a special birthday next month, it is the perfect season to make some major adjustments to my life; I know the benefits will be long-term.

Keep Thriving!


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