#myplusjourney, November 2019 Issue

Share your #myplusjourney

#myplusjourney… I can’t say that I was completely unscathed from bullying or body image issues while I was growing up but having a strong support system at home helped with the bumps on the road through my teen years. As an adult, body confidence seemed to be something that affected women and young girls. Not once did I imagine boys or men would suffer through many of the same things that I did. 

Fast forward to today when the body positivity movement is influencing everything from music to campaigns why are so many of us still suffering from body image issues? 

Our cover model Ryan Sheldon is not just a model and all-around amazing soul but he’s an eating disorder and body image activist. It wasn’t until I spoke to him during our #myplusjourney that I realized how much I didn’t know about how MEN feel about their bodies and how eating disorders are affecting so many of us both young and older alike. 

This month we are sharing Ryan’s story and the stories of other individuals who have faced insurmountable challenges and are now living in service of others. 

Inspiration comes in many forms and this month’s inspiration is coming to us from you, by sharing your story using #myplusjourney

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Photo, LucasPictures