Living a Life of Gratitude So That You Can Pay it Forward

Living a Life of Gratitude So That You Can Pay it Forward

It’s hard to believe this is my final editors’ letter of 2021.

Many people like to say we “survived” the year… and yes in some ways we faced many challenges and we indeed survived them all. I also feel like many of us  “grew” throughout this year.

Living a Life of Gratitude So That You Can Pay it Forward

We watched brands go back to the table and make better decisions that benefit their customers.

We also celebrated model triumphs like Precious Lee on the cover of several high fashion magazines, numerous plus models walk the runway and be recognized in the mainstream as models who happen to also be plus-sized.

Babies were born, businesses were born and for some of us, dreams and goals were realized. Two major things happened for me this year. Creating ‘Power Plus Wellness’ with Jessie Diaz-Hererra is very special to me because I feel like in a small way we are helping people take a step that maybe they were too afraid to take because of fear about how plus-sized bodies are received in wellness spaces. Creating a place where we can freely move, experience new things, and be encouraged is a dream I have been able to realize thanks to Jessie, the support of those that have attended the classes, and the instructors and talent that have supported this movement.

Power Plus Wellness Takes On Aqua Cycling in NYC With

Follow Jessie IG @CurvesWithMoves and Power Plus Wellness on IG @powerpluswellness

My second achievement this year was the launch of the audio/video podcast ‘Gratitude In Style’ with my friend and celebrity stylist Meaghan O’Connor.

Gratitude in style- dec 2021

This was a tiny idea that came from numerous chats about how we wanted to put more kindness, joy, and gratitude into the industry.

This amazing achievement did not come without some serious support. Lane Bryant certainly put GIS on the map and supported us before ONE episode was even recorded. THANK YOU!!!! And the incredible production team that has helped Meaghan and I realize our dream and prove that GOOD still matters.

To some success is measured in dollars, numbers, and popularity. To me, success is measured by living a life of gratitude so that you can pay it forward.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed, supported and inspired us this past year.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

XOXO – Maddy